I used to live in Belgium where health care is almost free. Everyone has health insurance because it doesn't cost much at all to get it. The couple of times I was in the hospital in Belgium, it didn't cost me a dime. There was no "wait" to see a doctor or a specialist.
Boy was I in for a surprise when I moved to the US. Most people I know around here either don't have health insurance, or pay an arm and a leg to get some basic coverage, but when they need more than just a doctor's visit, they end up paying a lot out of their own pocket anyways.
During the winter of 2004, I was taken to the hospital with kidney stones. I was in the hospital for six hours and paid over four thousand dollars. It took me a year to pay it off.
On September 31st, three weeks ago, I lost consciousness at work. They took me home, I drank some herb tea and went to bed. The next morning I couldn't keep my balance. It was so bad that I had to call a friend to help me with my morning routine. This friend took me to urgent care (which is a cheap alternative to the emergency room). At urgent care, I got to see a nurse and had to pay $125 in advance before she even looked at me. They took an EKG and it seems that the EKG showed that there was something wrong with the pattern on the EKG. The nurse told me I really should get this looked at and she gave me the phone number of a place where they accept new patients. I called, explained the problem, and the earliest appointment I could get was for the end of October. So here I am sitting at home, waiting for my appointment and wondering what is wrong, and especially wondering how much all this is going to cost.
Don't get me going.. all I can say is... god forbid one gets sick in this corner of the world. Not good, not good..