After finding out how the bible was put together basically by priests who borrowed stories and myths from others and claimed them as their own, I saw that it was all about control, getting people to listen and obey God or so they said, when it was really the priest, king or ruling party at the time that made this up. What better way to get people to follow your instructions without disagreeing, pay their taxes, remain unconfrontational, ignorant etc. than telling them that God told you this, or you saw a vision of this or that.
After realizing this, I can no longer believe in Religion, because it is simply a control tool, if God wanted us to follow a "True Religion" he would appear in the sky for all of us to see, and he would tell all of us what to do to please him, if he indeed needed anything from us, which I don't believe to be the case. It would not be a revelation that one single prophet received with no one around to witness, that is when you know there is a lie involved.
I will never again believe that God would speak to someone over another, when we are all equal, he made us this way, the sun shines for all, good and bad. I just saw the movie "Kingdom of Heaven" very interesting by the way. If only people realized the fallacy of Religion, and the farce that is that book called the Bible, the hold it has on people would be removed. Because all the problems in the world now have really been created because of belief in that book, if Muslims, Christians and Jews investigated the veracity of this book, they would see that there is no need to fight any longer, that God has not chosen one over the other, we are all part of his creation, but of course it would take alot of humility and removal of the "We Are The Chosen People" mentality, and only this would really bring peace for everyone. I hope somehow God whatever his name is, helps us with this process of opening peoples eyes so we can see some kind of peace in our lifetime.