To have faith and belief in a God, or to believe and have faith there is no God, is simply two sides of the same spinning concoction within the mind.
So what is real? What is true?
What is here when all belief, all faith, all "isms" are absent? What is here when all conceptual interpretations and explanations are silent? What is here when the entire mental story of an individual "me" (and it's relationship to the universe) is omitted?
Perhaps rejecting all forms of faith, is a good thing; but unfortunately this is generally in reference only to some external idea of God. Significant understanding unfolds when all idea's regarding one self are also abandoned. Rejections of all forms of faith, requires a quantum leap outside the box. A leap void of movement.
Free of all facade, all imagining, who/what are you, really? What, really looks out these eyes?
