Does Jehovah exist without Jesus?

by Michelle5480 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Michelle5480

    After years of being a JW, Im now on the outside and I question everything. One thing I cant deny though is that Jehovah is God. One and only. My doubt now is, was Jesus just tagged on as a reason to create Christianity. Was Jesus just a revolutionary upset about the injustices in the Jewish system. Jehovah never really declared his "son" would be the Mesiah. I seriously doubt the new testament and anything in it. Just looking for opinions and viewpoints........please dont hold back.

    If your no longer in the JW's do you now doubt Jehovah's existance?

  • daystar

    Does Jehovah exist without Jesus? - Abstaining from arguments whether JHVH exists at all... Yes, it would appear that He exists regardless of Jesus. Look at the Jews.

    If your no longer in the JW's do you now doubt Jehovah's existance? - This is always a difficult one for me. In some ways I might be considered an atheist. I don't believe in God in any way that resembles anyone I know of, in any religion that I may speak of. I don't doubt His existence as an influence upon mankind. There is no questioning that. Whether the general image that most of mankind has of this God resembles anything of an objective nature is very doubtful to me.

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    the more I researched the bible origins the more I realized that it was just a cultural mythology no different from the greeks and romans and sumerians and a bunch of others who really had no clue about the force of nature and simply personified them.... the jews simply combined those many faces into one face and tried to figure out what this god wanted from them....

    I now find no evidence that their god ever existed any more than anyone elses and no reason to need him either....

    I dont pretend to know if there is or is not a god apart from all of us in total but I find no reason to believe that what we are has not always been in one form or another and no god required.

  • funkyderek


    Welcome to the board!

    One thing I cant deny though is that Jehovah is God. One and only.

    Why can't you deny that? If you had never read the bible, could you have come to the same conclusion?

  • defd

    After years of being a JW, Im now on the outside and I question everything. One thing I cant deny though is that Jehovah is God. One and only. My doubt now is, was Jesus just tagged on as a reason to create Christianity.

    Thats great you do not deny Jehovah, in the book of Romans it speaks of people who DO deny Him as being UNEXCUSABLE. We know from the scriptures why, as you say "TAGGED ON" 1st and for most because God is Love. He created Jesus much in the same way a parent gives birth to a child, out of LOVE. 2nd God USED Jesus to Fulfill His ORIGINAL purpose for man, which is to live forever in human perfection on a paradise earth.


  • Michelle5480

    When we touch the issue of God having a son, I wonder why?

    We reproduce I think to leave a sort of legacy. So when we no longer exist we have something of ours to live on. Why would God need to have a son? If he has a son and we are created in his image (God's) does God have a wife or a female counterpart? Why is Jesus never mentioned in the old testament?

    Perhaps maybe even God is not literal or a personification as we make him out to be. Maybe Jehovah is just a source of life an energy source so to speak.

    The ancient civilizations mostly all worshipped the sun, not really for it being a person like us but just being a source of life and done mainly in appreciation for its many benefits.

  • daystar


    As usual, you have not addressed the question though. You decided to tell her how Jesus is the son of Jehovah and how he created Jesus out of love.. blah, blah, blah...

    In case you are having a hard time reading it in the subject...

    "Does Jehovah exist without Jesus?"

    I swear that I want to dub you the TinMan. (edited for humility: It is also perhaps possible that I often am a bit too literal-minded.)

  • defd

    Why is Jesus never mentioned in the old testament?

    He is hun. I have to go for about an hour, Ill be back.

  • daystar
    Perhaps maybe even God is not literal or a personification as we make him out to be. ; Maybe Jehovah is just a source of life an energy source so to speak.

    The ancient civilizations mostly all worshipped the sun, not really for it being a person like us but just being a source of life and done mainly in appreciation for its many benefits.

    You are by far not the only person to have begun to reach such conclusions. There is something called solar-phallicism you might look into.

  • undercover

    Does Jehovah exist without Jesus?

    I doubt either one exists. There's no proof of either one existing.

    defd said:

    in the book of Romans it speaks of people who DO deny Him as being UNEXCUSABLE. We know from the scriptures why, as you say "TAGGED ON" 1st and for most because God is Love. He created Jesus much in the same way a parent gives birth to a child, out of LOVE. 2nd God USED Jesus to Fulfill His ORIGINAL purpose for man, which is to live forever in human perfection on a paradise earth.

    What if one does not accept the scriptures as final authority on the subject? How do you verify the existance of God or the inexcusablness of denying him?

    You cannot prove the existance of God without scripture and you can't prove the holiness of scripture without the belief in an almighty god. So without using one or the other, how does one prove either?

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