"God is Love"

by Justin 24 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Abaddon


    So far, me discussing anything of substance with you leads to nothing meaningful.

    And I suppose YOU think that is MY fault? Actually, when you made that mention of your opinion being as likely to be as wrong as anyone else's I thought maybe we had a break-through, but no dice I see.

    You have already decided to attack anyone who expresses belief in scripture.

    Please don't lie. You already make false boasts about your education in evolution, don't make it worse for yourself.

    Your massive ego is evident in the fact you assume me interogating you about the validity of YOUR scriptual beliefs is interpreted by YOU as attacking ANYONE who expresses belief in scripture. I think some scriptual beliefs are quite sound sensible and supportable.

    It's just you don't happen to have many scriptual beliefs like that!

    Your reply below show your own lack of logic:

    The reply you say this about had nothing to do with 'theology in general'. It was a direct response to your statement;

    Then there is the corrupting influence of modernism upon Christianity.

    This is hogwash on your part; firstly it shows once again it is YOUR interpretation of Christianity you proclaim as right, without the facts to do this.

    Secondly, you ignore how divergant in practice Chrsitianity was from even the basic principles of the faith. Rather than modernism further corrupting Christianity, modernism has actually redressed many wrongs and resulted in a society that acually acts a great deal more Christian in the way it treats other people than traditonal Christian society ever did.

    No lack of logic there, sorry if you didn't understand it without an explanation, but let us look at the spittle-flecked invective we can loosely regard as your rebuttal;

    society has been SO corupted by modernism we now have (legally if not in everyday practise) equality of sexes, races, sexual perversions like anal sex that almost singlehandly has spread a pandemic of AIDS,

    Please show from scripture that anal sex between a man and a woman is a peversion. As the Bible is very detailed in some areas (compostion and trim of garments, culinary prohibitons, workers rights), if you cannot show a specific prohibition of an activity that is known to have existed at that time and in the surrounding cultures, then you are fairly obviously just making it up, claiming you are telling us god's wishes when you are merely bleating your own sad opinion.

    I actually know you CAN'T show male-female anal sex to be prohibited in the Bible, so this is you making false claims, but we'll let you show us that as per normal, eh? I bold your comments when they're in the same quote box as mine.

    the increasing acceptence of the concept of "human rights", by all means, women can now terminate another human life that they are partially responsible for for any reason,

    Please show from scripture that abortion is wrong. As the Bible is very detailed in some areas (compostion and trim of garments, culinary prohibitons, workers rights), if you cannot show a specific prohibition (using the right Hebrew word) of an activity that is known to have existed at that time and in the surrounding cultures, then you are fairly obviously just making it up, claiming you are telling us god's wishes when you are merely bleating your own sad opinion.

    parents do not have a tight to know when their daughters are taken by a school official to have an abortion yet the same offical cannot dispense asirin to the that CHILD,

    This disturbing American tendancy to regard children as chattel is actually one that one can make a convincing argument from the Bible about. However, as God considered it fine for a man to rape a young girl (provided he married her afterwards), I don't know where you think god's moral highground is, exactly.

    Of course the 'faith-based' sexual education foisted upon many American kids is actually harming them, but since when did the welfare of children come before 'belief'?

    The fact is in a country with decent comprehensive sex education and easy availability of contraception, not only are the rates of teen pregnancy and abortion FAR lower than the USA (like Holland, where it's less the 20% of the US level), but the age people start having sex is a few months HIGHER than the USA. Yet again, modernism resulting in a more humane world than a 'belief' lead-system.

    international laws that outlaw aquistion of territory by force or extra-territorial activities by sovreign powers, yet with a United Nations that is so corrupt as to accept bribery to get a former dictator illegal arms,

    Errrr... actually, I think you'll find UN employees accepted bribes, please don't make misleading statements.

    You are making a claim equivalent to "Monica Lewinski fellated the United States of America". I know the bitch has a big mouth, but that's ridiculous...

    But as you bring policitical integrity up, do you actually know;

    • About the rulings made by the World Court AGAINST the US for supporting extra-territorial terrorism?
    • Are you unfamiliar with the USA's track record of dealing with human-right violating non-democratic governments if it is useful for reasons of trade or strategic advantage?
    • Or how the US has participated in the overthrow of democratic governments?

    Look at Iran; it has a democratic government. The Western powers didn't like it setting the price of it's own oil, so they overthrew the democratioc govenment and installed the Shah, who was unjust (but still supported by Western powers), and was eventually overthrown by religious nutters who would NEVER had come to power if Western powers hadn't meddled in the politics of the region. Add in Iraq and the Palestine and the entire problems of the Middle East are largely due to Western governments meddling.

    And whatever you do Shiney, don't think about the 'Divine Mandate', under which (popular American religious doctrine) it was okay to ethnically cleanse the Indians from their own land in a far more effective savage and permenant fashion than anything done in the former Yugoslavia

    a greater percentage of readers than any other point in human history, a higher average lifespan than any other point in human history, better average educational levels, health and standard of living than any other point inhuman history... but all depending on where you happen to live!

    Which part of AVERAGE do you not understand Shiney? There are far more poor hungry uneducated people than Westerners, so they have to be doing better than before (as they are) for the average to go up. The average worldwide standards are STILL higher than before, when the poor, hungry uneducated people were even poorer, hungrier and uneducated.

    We have had various atheistic governments that are responsible for the deaths of hundreds of millions,

    God knows what carnage the Christian wars of previous centuries would hve done with modern weapons.

    a 'peace' movement that led to the deposing of a U.S. President,

    More lies. Nixon wasn't deposed, learn the history of your own country. But I suppose you would rather a President who was so thoroughly busted for what he did as Nixon should stay in power and a President who had a blow job should be deposed, being the good 'Christian' you are?

    that indirectly resulted in two million deaths in Cambodia due to an atheistic communist government coming to power.

    Yeah, whereas if we'd killed that many more Vietnamses by NOT stopping the war when we could have, Jesus would have been far happier. What an idiotic argument Rex!

    Of course we had Joseph Stalin starve thirty million Ukrainians in the 1930's and the National Socialists of Germany take evolutionary genetics to its logical conclusion: the gassing of millions of people who did not fit the Aryan profile. Yes, indeed we have had a wonderful century in this wonderful age of enlightenment!

    Errr... despite these attrocities most people on Earth (and there are more people on Earth than ever before) WILL STILL live longer, safer, healthier, more educated lives than they would have if they were born a few hundred years ago.

    The human race has never had it so good to the extent Joe Stalin and that nasty Austrian house-painter, plus Mao, plus Pol-Pot, plus the formerly US-supported murderous dictator whose trail started this week plus plus plus STILL don't change that fact.

    Even without murderous atheists (well Hitler and Saddam are as religious as it suited/suits them to be), life in previous centuries where Christianity held sway was shorter, unhealtheir and more ignorant than today.

    Back on ya! Making an argument of hysterics and generalisations will simply not do.

    But you do is so well Rex (NOT!)

  • Shining One
    Shining One

    Hi Abaddon,
    LOL I got you going and you just can't shut up can you? You were throwing out spittle on that last reply. Quit trying to 'save face' (an old term from S.E. Asia and Vietnam) when you have already lost your posterior....Tommy Smothers said it in a much more colorful way.
    Man, it must be tough to stand up for the likes of Saddam, Adolf, Joseph, Pol Pot, Mussolini, Hirohito and the rest of the SOCIALISTS and COMMUNISTS. The liberal, elitist snobs are the same ones who have captured the corrupted political leadership in much of Europe and the Democratic party in the U.S. They're losing it though, the media has no monopoly on information anymore as long as talk radio and the internet are out there....
    Those of us who live in the real world, out here in 'blue collar land', where the real work gets done are not buying the lib's politically correct corruption of the world. We are taking our country back state by state. Those of you who are in Western Europe and Canada had better pray that happens where you are. Its not going to be easy living under Islamic Sharia law after you have been used to the freedoms of a Christian based legal system.
    Have a nice day!

  • FlyingHighNow

    The Bible also says that love is not jealous. Yet the old testament is full of statements that God is jealous. So which God do you worship? The angry jealous one? Or the one who is long suffering and kind and is not jealous? Those "liberal clergy" aren't pulling their truly loving god out of thin air. You can find a very clear definition of love in the letters to the Corinthians.

  • Abaddon

    Rex, you can't even show originality in your jibes and insults. I say you display "spittle-flecked invective", and you have to ape it you poor little plagarist. Of course, as your whole phiolosophy flatters yourself, as worship of your own opinion is at the centre of your philosophy, it's scarsely surprising you think you got me excited.

    You'd have to be a sight more honest and credible, and have considerably more weight to your arguments, to get even close to making me excited in any way. Incredulous, yes, amused, yes, disgusted, yup, that too... excited? Nah.

    Man, it must be tough to stand up for the likes of Saddam, Adolf, Joseph, Pol Pot, Mussolini, Hirohito and the rest of the SOCIALISTS and COMMUNISTS.

    As I have said before, I thought Christians weren't meant to lie? Don't get me wrong; I LOVE the fact you show yourself to be what you are, as I have pointed out in almost every conversation I have had with you. If you had the truth you wouldn't need to lie about what others said.

    Of course, being the dellusiod you are, you will ignore the fact that you have not (and I know cannot) answer the questions put to you in my last post, or show that you did not lie where I said you lied.. I highlighted these points specially as I know evading questions or issues is one of your main modus operandi, and knew I had about as much chance of you answering them as the communion wafer turning into Jesus-burgers. However, whilst you might ignore them, I can assure you anyone still reading this thread certainly won't fail to notice your lies and evasions.

    Have a nice day!

    Habetis bona diem, impudens es leno. Antiquis temporibus, nati tibi similes in rupibus ventosissimis exponebantur ad necem. Nihil curo de ista tua stulta superstitione. Noli me vocare, ego te vocabo!

    One of the beautiful things about the internet is you can lampoon someone in a dead language you don't even know...

  • Shining One
    Shining One

    1) It is not a lie to make an assertion in a debatable point. It is a point of view. It is based on observations and presuppositions that we all have. Do you have presuppositions and do you think that they color your views? For example: could it be that the continual slandering of Christianity, combined with the cult spiritual abuse of the Watchtower has resulted in your present lack of faith? 2) Is it possible that you accepted presuppostions about origins that bias you against belief? 3) Don't call me a liar for expressing my opinion and don't assume that in a forum like this that you will not misunderstand me and vice versa.
    What activities have been proven to have spread AIDS more than any other?
    Why is a person not a person for want of a few inches down the birth canal, does that make sense?
    If its ok to kill and unwanted baby in the womb, why is it wrong to kill a baby our of the womb?
    You do not hesitate to 'take God to task' for His wrath yet you cannot figure out the moral implications of the above. Do you need a law from scripture to tell you that these things are wrong?
    If you accept moral relativism, then on what basis can you CALL ANYTHING EVIL?
    The lot of you love to pile on anyone who stands up for their beliefs. You love weak kneed Christians who readily agree to your critisisms and detest anyone who dares to challenge you. My main bit of advice to you is to long look at Luke 16. Meditate on it then ask yourself if you were too hasty in forming your new belief system and if it might NOT hurt to look at the other side of the coin before it is too late.
    The second bit of adice is that you need to start looking at the social liberal's efforts to mold people into their groupthink. They are rewriting a lot of history just like Oceana did. The third bit of advice is to ask yourself where England, Europe and the world would be without a 'Christianized America'. WE outgive any other country in lives, money, ministry and compassion. This did not come about by accident. Those values are within our culture, our beliefs and our constitution. Did you not notice the loud silence of no help being offered by other countries after Hurrican Katrina. It lasted until someone in the media made mention of it for a few days. Have you not noticed the silent approval of the so-called majority arab moderates (not all of them) wiht attacks on westerners here and abroad? Do you really doubt what would happen to the Jews if they vanquished Israel?
    Have we had 'friends in low places'; have we made grevious errors; have we been hypocritical? Of course we have. But if you think the liberal weinies' ideas of utopia are anything but fantasy you have bought the biggest lie out there. Do you really want an Islamic fundamentalist next door as opposed to a Christian fundamentalist? Do you want Sharia law, total repression of women and on and on? Can you doubt who is protecting your liberal butt from the modern hordes or the despots?
    Don't tell me about the rights of executed felons (in our country) nor make comparisons with despotic regimes who have executed political opponents and the religions among them: that's an inapproriate comparison
    LOOK at the comparisons between cultures and governments. Which is the lesser of two evils? Would you be happy under the rule of Pol Pot or Saddam? Pol Pot came about because the liberal weinies got Nixon out of office, Vietnam was cut off from American aid and fell, Cambodia then fell and two million people died. They are not going to get rid of Bush and they are not going to bring about a similiar fate for the Iraqis. The next time you decide to jump on the 'hate evil America' bandwagon remember that we are 'taking the point' due to our obligation as a leader for freedom: we stand in the gap. If we go down you ARE going to follow us.
    Yes, we did have our days of conquest and subjugation of people: indians and africans. We did just as England, Spain, France and the rest of the past world powers did. So be it, we learned from it but it is over. Do we have to make political choices, of course we do. Do I like it? NO. It is a result of man and his rebellion and it will end someday. That is what the Bible is all about: salvation for man and living with God on the New Heavens and New Earth. This is the promise of scripture. It is not a fantasy, it is more real than anything we do in this world.

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