i am looking for help regarding some unsolved prophecies, regarding the king of the north and the eviction from heaven of satan, the woman, and three and a half years, or 42 months, or a time times and half a time. i have tried various forums over the past 4 years but only seem to get ridiculed or deleted. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/10/66606/1.ashx this site here locked me up. not the first time. it is my belief that adam must have been 30 when god gave him eve and that they only lasted 42 months together in the garden of eden, an eye for an eye. jesus ministry only lasted three and a half years 42 months a time times and half a time, and the devil only lasts 42 months. this is explained in revelation, when it sayes the woman was hidden from the serpant for a time times and half a time. in another part of revelation it sayes 1260 days. now the devil dos'nt attack the woman till hes been evicted. the woman only has to hide from him for 42 months because the devil is then locked up. now if adam was thirty when god gave him eve, that would be the end of the 6th day and the begining of the 7th. this would mean that this year would be the 6000th year since the begining of the 7th day. leaving 1000 years of jesus' reign the same lenth of time the devil is locked up. the reason i think that adam was 30 is because it says so in the jewish law that a male could not be registered as a man untill 30 that he was under his father untill then. jesus was 30 when john baptized him. joseph was 30 when pharoh gave him egypt. and david had to hide from saul till he was old enough to be king at 30. the reason i think adam and eve only lasted 3 and a half years in the garden of eden, is because jesus was sent to cancel out adams sin, adam was tested by the devil, for 3 and a half years, jesus was tested for 3 and a half years, then we're tested for 3 and a half years. 3 and a half years, 42 months, a time times and half a time and 1260 days all equal the same. and are all said to happen in the time of the end, all at the same time. if bible chronolagy is correct and jesus and adam where both born in october, that would make this month the month the devil gets evicted and the month the king of the north arrives. both are then cut off. after 3 and a half years my delema is that time distance between each of these three events suggests that there may have been more tests, th first test was 3996 bc the second in the year 30 and the third in 2005. seems to suggest another between 3996bc and the year 30. or perhaps more. do you know of anyone who would be interested in helping me find out how long david hid from saul and how long joseph was in prison altogether, and what year. the jews knew that jesus would be comming to john the baptist in the year 29, as they went looking for him. and how many times did jesus say be on the look out for this sign. and if it can be counted back to 4026 bc then why is it there, it helpes fit every thing together. if that calculation is correct then the year the jews went into captivity was round about 2515 bc, as that would be 7 times back the way instead of the way every one has tried to do it. if you know when 7 times finnished then you know when it started. it answers a lot of questions. i would realy appreciate some help with this as world events are becoming predictable and frightening. it makes the hecklers stand up on the back of the kneck yours faithfully netclocker
by netclocker 74 Replies latest watchtower bible
Adam wasn't a jew
See ya!
Welcome to theboard! I'm sorry, I can't read all that I'm a littel bit drunk, but I'm sure you've come to the right place....
Im a bit drunk too. What the hell is this guy on about??
Well, I'm not drunk but I'm sure I said fandabbidozey once when I was....
it is my belief that adam must have been 30 when god gave him eve
whoa.....can you say....blue balls????
horrible life
Netclocker It seems that you have come at an inopportune time. Please leave your message, and come back tomorrow. HL sorry
edit Or grab you one, kick back, and join in, looks like only fluff tonight. It sounds like you need some fluff in your life. Here, try something constructive while you wait. I have already posted this here on JWD. It may help you out.
http://www.license.shorturl.com/ HL
edit again WELCOME -
AK - Jeff
I wish you well in your quests Netclocker.
Welcome to the forum. Someone here may have some ideas to help you, but most here are sickened by the false prophet Watchtower organization, and are reluctant to add to the already overburdened prophetic interpretations out there.
I have no idea. I am Christian and believe that involves following Christ - days hours, months years and all the prophetic stuff has always been in error when men try to interpret it all. So I refrain. Bid a hardy welcome to you.
So - good luck to you.
Apparently thursdays are a good night to get drunk. Or maybe it's just a running start. Now, if we could just split that area under the curve into infinitesimaly small parts we could know! If you're thinking that you're gonna come up with "the" answer thru all sorts of prestidigitation on dates and numbers in the Bible, I think you've stumbled into the wrong audience. We've pretty much heard all that. Unfortunately it was bullsh*t, but we believed it, for a while. You want some really neat numbers to predict all kids of sh*t with? There are some bodacious matrix formulations that can be devised in singular , multiple and even complex dimensional layouts. Most of them are based on 64 bit numbers, too! Limited by the constraints of common sense within physical law, most of the answers will be meaningless, but they prove. Something.
the reason i think that adam was 30 is because it says so in the jewish law that a male could not be registered as a man untill 30 that he was under his father untill then.
Welcome and "fandabbidozey" right back at ya! One problem that I see is that not only was adam not a jew, as has been earlier pointed out, but the jewish religion had not even been dreamed up by the future goat herder/israelites.
So how could adam be registered as a man under jewish law when it didn't exist, he wasn't a jew and technically, since he was the first person ever in the whole universe the jews would have to subscribe to adam's rules and not vice-versa?