The Bereans have always been a sore spot for the Watchtower. Here's a biblical example of folks that didn't take the Christians' word for it, but made them prove it. I've heard this variously explained away, but the lamest answer yet is here in my notes: "Bereans were practical in checking Bible so they could share it with others." -- Oh I see. So they weren't CHECKING anything, they were just making sure that they had the references right so they could SHARE it later. Ok.
I think it was only a few months before I left that I remember some reasoning in a study article that went something like this: The Bereans were anxious to confirm that what they were learning was really true. They didn't receive their Spiritual Food™ with pessimism or view it with a critical eye. And then of course these groundless assertions were followed up with "What about us?" LOL