Pioneer School Notes -- What a robot I was!

by AlmostAtheist 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • DanTheMan
    The Bereans have always been a sore spot for the Watchtower. Here's a biblical example of folks that didn't take the Christians' word for it, but made them prove it. I've heard this variously explained away, but the lamest answer yet is here in my notes: "Bereans were practical in checking Bible so they could share it with others." -- Oh I see. So they weren't CHECKING anything, they were just making sure that they had the references right so they could SHARE it later. Ok.

    I think it was only a few months before I left that I remember some reasoning in a study article that went something like this: The Bereans were anxious to confirm that what they were learning was really true. They didn't receive their Spiritual Food™ with pessimism or view it with a critical eye. And then of course these groundless assertions were followed up with "What about us?" LOL

  • FreedomFrog

    Reading all these things...I'm quite glad I was never "good enough" to be put through all that nonsense.

  • Bryan


    "There is nothing repellant about Jehovah. If I'm not attracted to him, it's my fault. He is appealing to all."

    This sounds like a subliminal message imbedded in a Tower song....

    "From House to House... it's my fault... From door to door... i am attracted ... "


    Have You Seen My Mother

  • Sunnygal41
    I wrote a comment in mine that I thought was pretty powerful, and taught me something too. "An overly strict conscience is a weak conscience"

    Actually, Mulan, you should be happy that any instructor said that...........they were turning out little pioneer controlled robots here on the Northeast coast.

  • Bryan

    Sorry AA... I killed another one!


    Have You Seen My Mother

  • VM44

    "Making Plant Terrariums"

    You can support yourself doing that? Are they joking?


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Dave - thanx for sharing that. Somewhere I have my pioneer school book. Or maybe I doorstepped mine with all the other 'theocratic' books that I droppped at the KH some time back - not sure. I had a whole three ring binder of notes -and a printout of every single scripture cited in the text. That took a while to compile - a while back I thru all that sh*t out - wish now I had it to compare with yours.

    Anyway thanx.

    One point I remember that stood out in my P school. One of the CO's mentioned that Paul was not a member of the 1st century GB. The other CO raised his hand and corrected him - and on the spot quoted Watchtower, year, month, date, page and paragraph to support his point. During a break CO#2 took CO#1 to the library and showed him the ref.

    Unbelievable brainwashing. He knew it off the top of his head - not a scripture was mentioned - but the article ref he had at the ready. [Of course he might have had notes in his book on that - but it was impressive at the time]

    After the break CO#1 apologized for his error.


  • AlmostAtheist
    a printout of every single scripture cited in the text. That took a while to compile

    Our class had been encouraged to get some old Bibles from others in the congregation and cut out the verses that were cited. So my book is full of these little snippets clipped from three or four sacrificial Bibles. Some in the congregation were very uneasy with the idea that we were all getting together to hack up the Bible, but I just said, "Hey, that's what you do out in service every weekend! Why shouldn't we?"

    No, I didn't say that.

    But I should have!


  • tetrapod.sapien

    HA HA, LMAO dave!!

    that was the trippiest of trips down memory lane!

    i went and dug out my old book, and have been laughing hysterically for the last 10 minutes. thanks so much.

    i have so many crazy doodles in the margins of my book, along with these totally insane little snippits i composed while sitting there in class.

    LOL, classic.


  • LittleToe

    One of the boys at my School actually was a grave-digger LOL.

    I should probably search out my book, too, for a few laughs

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