I know I have said this before but.......

by defd 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • defd

    Y'all may not see nearly as much of me anymore. As I already stated, I ONLY come here while I am at work. The job I have now gave me ALOT of free time on my hands. I am being assigned to another type of job which will GREATLY decrease my time on line. My hope is that no matter what yall do, I hope that you continue or start to do what is right in Jehovah's eyes. NOTICE I said CONTINUE as well as start. Jehovah deserves our praise and worship. He is not a hard God to please and I know through SOME of the rules and the way some brothers enforce it, it does make it burdensome sometimes. God blesses effort. He is ready to forgive and is merciful and Gracious. His son Jesus is the same way. He, in the end, will judge us with righteousness, fairness and with a whole lotta mercy.There are MANY good people in here. I honestly believe this. I have even come to like some. If anyone wants to continue to keep in touch this is my email......well wait I am not sure if that is aloud. Anyway some here have it and I give them permission to give it.



  • kid-A

    Good luck with the new job, dude. Dont be a stranger....y'all come back now, ya hear??

  • daystar

    You'll be missed brother.

  • searching4?

    I will be in touch soon, a little preoccupied today

  • vitty

    Defd, ill miss you, you must have a fantastic job

    Ive found if you JUST read Jesus words and apply them you dont need anything or anyone else, and I really believe that !!!!!!!!!

    See ya

    You can give your E. mail im sure other´s have

  • pratt1

    I appreciate you thoughts Derrick, but I have had enough of the dubs to last me a life time.

    It is my belief that a loving God reads hearts and not whether or not you are associated with an organized religion.

    You are entitled to your opinion and belief structure, but I for one am very comfortable with my choice to not be a dub.

    Good Luck to you.

  • vitty

    I just thought, why is that your not on the internet at home ??????

    You do know your going to have terrible withdrawal and cravings

    (((((( D )))))))))

  • HappyDad


    Enjoy that great job you have.

    I certainly agree with your statement.......

    Jehovah deserves our praise and worship. He is not a hard God to please........

    God blesses effort. He is ready to forgive and is merciful and Gracious. His son Jesus is the same way. He, in the end, will judge us with righteousness, fairness and with a whole lotta mercy.

    This is the part that sucks though.

    and I know through SOME of the rules and the way some brothers enforce it, it does make it burdensome sometimes.

    The ones in charge, from the top kahuna in Brooklyn to self serving elder Joe Blow have much to answer for. They are the ones responsible for the blood of the majority who leave. More of us leave because of them than for doctrine.

    I wish you well,


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Does this mean he is 'fading' off the board?

    Seriously DEFD, we have had disagreements, and I don't know if I would like you face to face, or if u would like me. Doesn't matter does it?

    Just know that all comments I made to you were to try and wake you up - I doubt I did that. But I really believe that God would want me to try.

    I wish you well. I truly hope you see the 'truth of the truth' someday soon. I hope you allow yourself to look at what the facts are and act in that way. But if not - que sera sera - .

    Many fine people here have the same hope I know for all that visit or lurk here. Same for you.

    Good luck -


  • stevenyc

    Take care man. You'll be missed.



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