Catholic church says the bible is wrong

by Satanus 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Evanescence

    I'll just re-post what I said on the other thread for you then... don't you think your all jumping to conclusions about the CC about that article? That article is very much mis-reported, Bascially, the CC doesn't take the entire bible literally- we believe there are metaphores, poetry, symbolism, allagories, etc. Ex: a sword will come out of Jesus mouth in Rev. Most people don't take that as a literal text, instead that is symbolises he will seperate the people etc. as the Catechism says

    138 The Church accepts and venerates as inspired the 46 books of the Old Testament and the 27 books of the New.

    as the saying goes, don't believe in everything you see on television Evanescence

  • gaiagirl

    If a work of fiction, such as "Gone With The Wind" tells a story which never actually happened, but mixes it with some historical elements to lend realism, does this make it "wrong"?

  • Nate Merit
    Nate Merit

    Crikey! Something intelligent from the RCC.

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