>Also, the Hebrew word almah doesn't mean virgin, it simply means maiden or young woman.
(I assume nothing. I have studied under two Rabbis here locally for the last seven years. Almah carries no connotation of virginity in and of itself. Though in ancient Jewish culture it was usually taken for granted that a maiden would be a virgin, otherwise there could be Trouble.
<The gospel authors bypassed the Hebrew text for the Septuagint, completely and utterly destroying the actual context.
Oh really? And it just took two thousand years and some guy named Nate figured out what centuries worth of scholars have missed?
(Why are you being such a creep? I have had the benefit of Bible college and Seminary, as well as eighteen years of private tutoring in the Greek language by Father Theo Theophilus, a well known Greek Orthodox priest-scholar here in the Coachella Valley. Tell me, oh great one, what schooling have YOU had? People such as yourself, in my experience, like to cast aspersion on the education of others hoping no one will question their own. My guess is you are neither a Bible College graduate, not a Seminarian. You may have some collge, perhaps even a trade school, but you have little or no formal religious education.
I have also learned to expect fundies to despise my educational achievements by saying "Oh thats the learning od Man! I am guided by the Holy Spirit." Then they proceed to quote a version of the Bible TRANSLATED BY THE VERY SCHOLARS WHOSE EDUCATION THEY HOLD IN CONTEMPT! I can read the NT in Greek, and am getting good in Hebrew. Can you? Of course not. Yo're a pony. Not phony, pony. Look it Einstein.
The fact that you are ignorant of the fact that most of the OT quotations in the NT are from the Greek Septuagint and not the Hebrew text comes as no surprise to me. Fundies hunker down with their Bibles waiting for the End of the World and superstitiously venerate the Bible. Why not expand your horizons a bit by expanding your education? If you wish to understand the transmission of the Biblical text, here are some excellent online articles. I know you won't read them because folks such as yourself are quite content in their ignorance, but I feel obligated anyway.
Here is a good page to begin your exploration of the history of the Biblical text, including the Septuagint:
>By the way, the context of this verse has to do with events occurring back in Isaiah's time, not a future time. This person, being still a fundy, is still utterly unable to remove the fundy-glasses for even a few moments and see what Isaiah (minus Matt) is talking about.
You have never actually studied prophetic language, partial/future fulfillment and how it applies to scripture?
(Yes I have, but evidently you have not, except insofar as it is presented to you in such a way that it confirms what you already think. I used to be a fundamentalist, just as you are. For fifteen years, eight of which I spent as a Baptist minister, mainly in the Detroit area. Tell me, of what has your own studies consisted of? Very little except fundy books extolling the fundy view, would be my educated guess)
>Also, this fundy who wrote you should get back to me as soon as they meet the challenge, which is to read ALL of the OT verses quoted in the NT in both their immediate and distant context. Fundies are too used to seeing verses in isolation, as disconnected Oracular statements rather than as the web and woof of a wider work.
Where are the peer reviews for your work, Nate? Who are you and what claim do you make as an authority?
(Have you met the conditions of the challenge? Have you looked up all the OT quotations in the NT and read both their immediate and distant context? Of course you haven't. You're intellectually lazy, bloated with self satisfaction, and rejoicing in your ignorance. Having been a fundy, I know how higher education, especially as applied to matters Biblical, is looked upon as worldly, even demonic.
I know you don't even really understand what "in context" means by your uptight response and attack dog stance. You feel threatened by education, logic, reason, and our God-given critical thinking faculties. If any of the OT writers had written: "Now we shall discuss the coming Messiah, and the circumstances of his birth and life" and had then proceeded to enumerate said aspects, we would be keeping to the context of what the writer INTENDED. The intent being to prohesy about the Messiah.
This is not the Christian method. The Christian method, demonstrated by the NT authors, is to take verses from sections of scripture having nothing to do with any prophecies about the Messiah, and snatch verses here and there and claim that God had "hidden these Messianic verses away." This is called "taking out of context." Please show me a section of the OT in which the author's stated purpose is to give prophecies about the Messiah. Thank you.
Ignorance can be easily fixed, stupidity is a life sentence. I prefer to think you are ignorant, not stupid.)
Where are the peer reviews for your work, Nate? Who are you and what claim do you make as an authority?
(I ask you the same questions you asked me: Who are YOU and what claim do YOU make as an authority? I have done as the NT recommends. "STUDY to show thyself approved unto God." I have engaged many years of my life in this study in both a formal academic setting, as well as in my personal study. Have you? I am inclined to think you have little or no academic training, since your JW attitudes toward such things are now a part of your fundy attitudes. I am willing to bet you are even delusional enough to think you are someone special, anointed by God to some secret and wonderful work, perhaps as a prophet. At the very least you regard yourself as invested with some sort of Divine Authority above that of your fellow fundies, though you would be loathe to admit it to either yourself or anyone else)
Your attitude, coupled with your failure to meet the conditions of the challenge, make you persona non grata. Go away until you have obeyed God and done your homework.
Rev. Nathaniel J. Merritt Met.D. D.D. Ph.D.
"If morons could fly, the sky would be pitch black!"