Is the Bible False?

by UnDisfellowshipped 14 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • UnDisfellowshipped

    Is the Bible False?

    I encourage everyone to post on this thread the main reasons WHY you do NOT believe that the Bible is the true inspired Word of God.

    I want to examine BOTH SIDES of this subject, so I am also posting another thread entitled "Is the Bible True?" at:

    If you want to post your reasons WHY you believe that the Bible is the True inspired Word of God, please post them at that second thread.

    Thank you and I look forward to seeing your posts.

  • tetrapod.sapien

    the bible itself is good enough reason for me. just reading it like a regular book, and then remembering how many people take it as god's word and not just fiction, is sadly eye opening.:



    Cruelty & Violence:



    Sick family values:

    Women, the humans that must be brutalized:

    Science & History:

    The Great Comedy of Prophecy:

    Dirty Sex:

    Low-brow language:

    Homosexuals, the humans that must also be brutalized:



  • stillajwexelder

    The bible contains some good morals, some good history, some false history, some myths , some good stories, IT IS GREAT LITERATURE

  • tetrapod.sapien

    more introductory essays on the bible problems that i enjoyed coming out of the truth:


    Biblical Contradictions:

    Original Sin in Eden:

    Inherited Sin:

    Bible Atrocities:


    and you know what? before any xian is going to convince me to look into the bible as god's word, they are going to have to show me that god most likely exists, and then that he is the xian god to boot. not even "prove". just a higher likelihood than not. that said, the bible does a really crappy job of proving god's existence. here are some essays from the same site:

    An Almighty Screw-up:

    One More Burning Bush, Please:


  • Sam the Man
    Sam the Man

    Nice work. Lets see...

    I believe the Bible to be the work of men, not of God. I don't think God had anything to do with the Bible, the Koran, or any other religious book. Many ex witnesses come to the conclusion that traditional Christianity was right all along and that the NWT is completely floored (which it is) but rather than believing in a different version of events in the Bible, I chose to examine the Bible to see whether it is worth believing in at all. A few points I'd like to add are:

    The Jesus Myth. For hundreds of years before Christ, there were other Godmen, who were born like Jesus, Lived like Jesus and died like Jesus. Thats right...born of a virgin on the 25 December, rode into town on a donkey whilst crowds waved palm branches and died on a be raised again on the third day. An analysis of this can be found in books like THE JESUS MYSTERIES, by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy

    The Bible goes against Science. As example, the Genesis 1 creation account conflicts with the order of events that are known to science. In Genesis, the earth is created before light and stars, birds and whales before reptiles and insects, and flowering plants before any animals. The true order of events was just the opposite. Likewise, the 7 day theory went for years without criticism until science disproved it. All of a sudden, those 'weren't real 24 hour days'.

    Crazy legends. People view Robin Hood as a legend, but nobody really thinks he ever existed. With Biblical legend, people accept it as fact. The flood is one example. Somehow, all the animals boarded the ark in the 'selfsame day'. How is this possible? Likewise, the tower of Babel. They built a tower so big that God confused them and created languages. A true study of language says that languages evolved over long periods of time.

    Daft Ideas. The Bible tells us that the Israelite population went from 70 million to several hundred million in a few years. Colossians warns us against 'Philosophy'. Jacob wrestled with God. God likes a drink, according to Judges 9:13. The daftest idea of them all? We are in this shit because a snake spoke to a woman in a garden.

    Contridictions. The Bible is full of Contridictions. Who was Joseph's father? Jacob or Heli? Did Jesus baptize anyone? How did Judas die? He hanged himself.....or....He fell down and died.

    There are many more. I cant bring myself to believe these fairy tales. I am sorry.

  • tetrapod.sapien

    Sam brings up the good point regarding the Bible and Science.

    Think for a moment about the theory of evolution.

    For all intents and purposes, it is one of the most successful theories in the history of scientific methodology, and yet the debate rages on.

    why is that? it's not the technical explanation for biodiversity over geologic time spans that get conservative xians . it's the implications of such a theory that strikes terror into their hearts.

    genesis tells the tale of god watching over mankind, and of mans centrality to the earth. man as a pinnacle of special creation.

    evolution comes along and implies: not so. we are but apes, and there is much empirical evidence to back this statement up. this is a direct scientific blow to an anthropocentric worldview like that found in genesis.

    but wait, there is even a better reason why so many xians rail again this well established theory.

    if you want to skip all the critical exegesis with the rest of the bible, then simply study evolution and think about the implication to the whole bible because of what it does to genesis.

    if we evolved from apes, and are but apes, albeit big brained and hairless, then what exactly was adam and eve? perfect apes? did they not share the common genome and ancestors with other apes, and all other living things, as per evolution? but then how could they have been perfect? and what about all the other thousands of human tribes and people on the earth at the time of the genesis account as illuminated by anthropology and genetics?

    and if there were thousands of other humans alive at the time of the genesis account, then that means that most likely, you are not decended from adam and eve, but from one of many many many other thousands of hunter and gatherers. and if you are not genetically related to adam and eve, then that means you are not subject to their "inheritance" (a joke anyways), and you have no need for jesus as your savior in your life.

    and what does this imply for the rest of the bible? well, if one of it's central themes is the fall from perfection, and then salvation through jesus , then it's screwed right from the outset thanks to science. especially if you are a JW . the entire doctrine revolves around this fall from grace and perfection, and the future reward of salvation and perfection again.

    but we were never perfect! we were apes! so, if we were never perfect, then it doesn't matter that we "fell from perfection", and all in the subsequent bible about salvation through the messiah, and then jesus and heaven or paradise, doesn't mean anything because we never needed it anyways. we evolved the characteristics that we have. we die because evolution needs death. only the xians call it imperfection. of course they have no other evidence to support this claim aside from the laughable book of genesis.

    and that is briefly why the implication of the theory of evolution scares conservative xians like JWs and other protestants. the implication obsoletes sin, and salvation and ultimately jesus if you were to follow the logic to it's conclusion.

    and without jesus , there is no bible, and no xianity worth toiling ones life after.

    if any of you want a rather brilliant, and IMO quintessential introduction to the theory of evolution by natural, gradual, cumulative selection, Richard Dawkins book The Blind Watchmaker is actually available for free online:


  • Sam the Man
    Sam the Man

    Hey Tetrapod!

    Looks like we both have the same sources, say what! ;)

    Oh I just love the Skeptics Bible. Nice to see they have added the Koran and the book of moron on there as well.

  • tetrapod.sapien

    hey sam!

    ya, i never thought i would enjoy doing my "personal study" until i found the skeptics bible.

    hours and hours of entertainment. LOL @ the absurdity of it all. ;)


  • Sam the Man
    Sam the Man

    Oh, yeh! I've spent many a time reading it. Here's a good one: # All of the animals boarded the ark "in the selfsame day." 7:13-14... impossible.

  • Hellrider

    False? In what way? Not inspired by God? That`s question of belief. False if read literally, that God created the world in 6 days , or 6 thousand year, or that Noah build an ark and put all the animals of the earth in it, and the whole world was flooded for 40 days? YES. False if it is read symbolically, as an "open door" to God? That`s a question of belief.

    You need to be more specific.

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