Can understand your distress s4, especially when it is completely clear that the org is growing at a consistent rate when traditional churches are fading away. We know why they're growing though, fundamentalism (Christian) is attractive to people during time of rapid change and turmoil. Gives people a reference point to guide their lives, when traditional moral structures fall by the wayside, and a world of individualism takes its place. It's just very difficult to make a solid point to people attracted to the org/or who are currently in the org, when you go for the throat. Collectively as fundamentalists they will stand together to insulate their beliefs from outright criticism or from accepting a challenge to their beliefs through science and rational thinking. The only way I see that when can go about things is to approach it more subtley. I'm sure you know yourself that your faith began to come unstuck gradually when some small seeds were planted. Most people on the outside see the organisation for what it really is. frog x