1st post from a former S.O!

by onesong 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • BrendaCloutier
    Yahweh, the psycho god the Jews invented.

    Jewish males! Conscripted by Paul to further enslave those who wanted to "believe".

    Welcome onesong! Glad you made it out and found us.



  • juni

    Welcome Onesong!

    This site is wonderful for getting your questions answered and encouragement when you need it. My husband and I came in in 1970 and baptized in '71. Raised 4 kids, but none are in the org. today. All are productive citizens and lead good lives. We have 7 beautiful grandchildren and we enjoy good times as one large family now. In the beginning, the org. wasn't so demanding as it is now. And this money thing really gets us. They're no different than those they "expose"!! My husband was a MS also and I pioneered. I could write a book on our experiences - to borrow a friend's statement - about "the good, the bad, and the ugly." I do think of my good friends that I lost, but I realize now that their friendship was conditional. And that makes me sad, but I understand as I too was under the "spell" once.

    Will enjoy your postings and again welcome!! juni breeze~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  • AuldSoul

    onesong, welcome!

    I agree with you regarding the striking similarity at the core of what Jesus taught, what the Buddha taught, and what Mohammed taught. Your additions to this forum will be welcome.


  • blondie

    onesong, welcome to JWD and your new journey. Hopefully, we can help you for part of the way as we too make our journey apart from the WTS.


  • PopeOfEruke

    I thought "Former S.O" meant Former Soviet Officer.

    Welcome comrade!


  • jeeprube
    Religion is about doctrine and rules (the Pharisees), spirituality is about connecting with the Divine within us, however we want to!

    I couldn't agree more. Welcome.

  • CountryGuy

    Welcome to the board, Onesong!
    I hope you learn as much here as I have.


  • Gretchen956

    Welcome, onesong!! Great first post! The best revenge is a life lived well and fully. Nothing bugs JWs more than to see us all happy on the outside. They think all we do is sit here and rag on them. (Well only a little bit)..


  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    Hi and welcome.

  • stillajwexelder

    welcome to the board

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