Just wondering if anybody knows when the Dateline program will air. Any set date yet?
Dateline Program - WHEN?
by troubled 16 Replies latest jw friends
Hey troubled, do what I have done, I have requested that Dateline e-mail a notice each day they air a show, what the show is about. That way I know I won't miss it.
I can't wait till the show airs. It will be great publicity for the Witnesses. Do you really think that NBC will side with the opposers? They will not. They will be neutral and also interview a Watchtower representative. And just like other attempts by apostates to try to throw dirt on Jehovah's Organization, it will backfire and have more householders interested in the Witnesses.
Yeah, Baby, GodRules!
Room 215
Hi Godrules,
I hope the WTS does provide a suitably senior rep to defend its position, but I wouldn't count on it. If I recall the piece that ran on "Sixty Minutes" by Leslie Stahl on JWs and child custody, was an embarassment for the Society. The GB went into hiding and the only loyal JW they could muster was an ill-at-ease local JW who happened to be a lawyer. -
Thanks for the tip! I've subscribed to the Dateline email.
GodRules, have a physician ready to attend to you when you see Dateline.
Rather than bring up the thread, here is information I know to be still authentic.
From Maximus on the Tally thread:***********
The producer of NBC's Dateline and I had a conversation this morning and this very issue was discussed. Everyone involved hopes speculation will cool, but human nature suggests it may not. A few authoritative points:
The program is rock solid, it will air; the date has not yet been determined. It is not yet in final form but shortly will be. You may reasonably conclude that the presentation will be adequate in length to cover very complex issues.
There is nothing any outside influence can do to change this, nor can it be shaped from without. A highly skilled professional, the producer frankly states some may be disappointed if they are expecting merely a vehicle for cult-bashing or dissidence per se.
It will be a very honest and careful presentation that will in my opinion have "legs," especially in view of the issues now capturing the attention of the American public; e.g., ecclesiastical privilege, judicial processes, some of the things discussed on this board. It may very well be an enormous catalyst for significant change.
To lighten up a bit, someone said it's been like grass: eventually it becomes milk. For some, this has been an intense labor of love for many, many years. You will be most captivated by the Dateline story's very human aspects. It is not the end, but a beginning.
My warmest, Tally,
*************Hope this helps.
Thanks for the idea blondie, I just signed up.
I downloaded the email and breaking news service. The breaking news gives you a red, flashing target on your right bottom screen. Incidently, I just received my first breaking news flash re: the halt of a Texas execution.
what is the breaking news service to which you signed on? sounds pretty interesting.
FrancoisNOTE TO GOVERNING BODY: You've been challenged to a debate, boys. Dont you have ANY balls?
Had Enough
Hi Francoise:
The "breaking news service" is found at http://www.msnbc.com/tools/newstools/default.asp?0bb=-k1
Just click onto download the "Breaking News Service" and it will download for you leaving an icon in the bottom right corner that will flash each time there is a news story. I just downloaded it too. Great idea!