Pro Choice or not?
by pratt1 13 Replies latest jw friends
Sorry, I hit enter before I finished my question.
Does a potential Supreme Court Justice's position on abortion affect whether or not you would confirm their appointment?
Do you think it is fair to confirm a justice based on how they voted on a issue in the past?
Certainly I would think it makes sense to judge a person based on their past actions, however, also taking into account any changes in viewpoint they have outright stated since such a time. And I dont think I would fault anyone for wishing to see judges appointed who suppor their viewpoints on what they consider serious issues.
If you found someone with no opinions at all about anything, all you'd find is a person that never allowed his/her opinions to become known. I can't see that it makes that much difference.
I would PREFER a judge that feels exactly the way I do about everything, but that ain't gonna happen. So wuddaya gonna do?
Yes. As Doctor Phil would say, "the best indicator of future behavior is past behavior". Personally I don't think I could ever have an abortion, I don't have it in me but I like knowing that I have the choice.
I don't think so really . I don't think there is a right answer to the question . I try to keep my beliefs of pro life out of politics . I also don't think the state should pay for abortion . There are cases of rape and such where abortion should be an option .
Pro-choice of course. The state has no right telling a woman what to do with her body.
I have to agree with Kid-A. No one ever knows the story behind the pregnancy. A woman should have the right to make her own decision.
If it was a man, don't you think they would insist on having the right to make their own decision??
Big Dog
You can't help but look at a judge's track record when it comes to appointments. Fair? What the heck is fair, its all about pushing whatever agenda you have.
Darth Yhwh
My understanding of the abortion controvirsy is weather the fetus is protected by the rights afforded by the constitution. A supreme court justice's job is to uphold the law by supporting the rights of the people according to the constitution, not legislate create laws from the bench.
I personally am pro choice.