2,000 US and 25,000 civilians now dead in Iraq

by Simon 159 Replies latest social current

  • avishai
    It was never connected with terrorism ... until we opened it up to it!

    Salaries For Suicide Bombers
    WASHINGTON, April 3, 2002


    "He is pleased with his idea and is promoting it in the region. It is a matter of public record."

    Sec. of Defense Donald Rumsfeld

    referring of Saddam Hussein

    (CBS) Iraqi President Saddam Hussein has raised the amount offered to relatives of suicide bombers from $10,000 per family to $25,000, U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said Wednesday.

  • under74

    Let me get this straight...it's anti-american to be in disagreement with the Bush Administration? Are all of you patriots forgetting the fact that this administration has been lying their asses off about everything since day one?

    crazyblonde- Yes Sadam slaughtered people...but if it was so wrong with the US why did our government act on it BUT only as a detail years after Kurds were gassed...why didn't our government intervene in Rwanda? Nepal? Sudan? Ethiopia? Sierra Leone? Cambodia? Chile? Argentina? Should I go on? There are massacres and genocides all over the world, so why was Iraq so special?

    My grandmother always said "two wrongs don't make a right."

  • Ticker
    He is still MY President...and like all of 'em...I give him the respect he deserves....(as I did Clinton too)...

    For one...EVERY single soldier I've met and talked to...is behind their Commander and Chief...odd?

    This is a go nowhere discussion...at best.

    Please be polite...and show respect.

    u/d(of the hate the man if you choose,but...respect the position class)

    This is the reason why Bush is still in power, because of people attitudes similar to this one. Even if he is decietful and a liar they still blindly throw their support his way, and then attack the ones who try and voice their opinion of his wrongful leadership. This is as stupid as continuing to follow the governing body when they too have been decietful and wrong. Are they still your governing body upside down? Do you still give them the respect they deserve? So why should we do that for a incompitent leader of a country. How does the rule change for Bush? I dont understand how people think this is anti american, this is using freedom of speach which is a given right and using it to voice the deciet and deception by the American presidential cabinet.

    Ticker(of the we have the right to discuss valid political concerns class)

  • upside/down

    Ticker...so do you tell the cop to f*ck-off when he's giving you a ticket?

    I doubt it.

    Do you respect ANY boundaries?

    Show me a politician that isn't a liar and cheat...

    Oh I know...all the Dems are goddam saints and the Reps are all from hell....

    Give me a break....

    Read Simon's Dfing compared to deleting thread...there must be SOME order.

    Of course...you have the right to take up and arm yourself and FIGHT the powers that be...somehow I don't think you will.


    u/d(of the at least I know "my place" class)

  • upside/down

    I get it...

    He is still MY President...and like all of 'em...I give him the respect he deserves....(as I did Clinton too)...

    For one...EVERY single soldier I've met and talked to...is behind their Commander and Chief...odd?

    This is a go nowhere discussion...at best.

    Please be polite...and show respect.

    u/d(of the hate the man if you choose,but...respect the position class)

    The G/B were never duly elected...and their "term" will never end. So it's a non-analogy...nice try though.

    When YOU come up with a better way to run this great nation...let us all know...by running for office.

    No accusations of Anti-Americanism....cept to u know hoo. Discuss it all you want...just don't act like cuz you've found a bunch of Bush haters...that that makes you "right"...hehehe get it?

    Any...that's my story (above) and I'm stickin to it...ain't America great?

    u/d(of the where are the non-right...non-left people? class)

  • metatron

    The current terrorism is not "caused" by anything done 30+ years ago - or the Crusades. Actually, the fact that Islamic

    groups bring up the Crusades should scream volumes about how warped their thinking is. It happened centuries ago. Get over it!

    Atlantic magazine pointed out in interviews that young Islamic men in western lands frequently "felt like nothing, like nobodies"

    in contrast to the prosperity of Western states. Dying for Allah gives them a sense of false importance - that's much easier than

    actually building a decent, democratic society - it's so much easier to dream of a mythical caliphate - that will allow them to

    beat their women and tax infidels forever. They have done this to themselves!

    This terrorism is caused by the false expectations of a fanatical religion that teaches that Muslims are God's chosen people

    - all while Islamic societies are backward, oppressive and mostly miserable in contrast to Christian/secular lands.

    How many of you are familiar with the tantrums of a spoiled teenager? Blaming you for everything? If you are, you should

    be able to understand the emotions of Islamic countries - always eager to fight, but rarely eager to build! Don't make the mistake

    of accepting blame that isn't yours - especially when they fight against reasonable change and progress.

    Consider this: How can you have a productive society when, in many cases, HALF of that society is kept away from education

    or management? ( women). How many of you are familiar with the Muslim idea that a woman's testimony is only worth

    HALF that of a man? That four (Muslim) witnesses to a rape are needed - or the woman may be prosecuted for

    slander? It is claimed that 75% of the women in Pakistani prisons are there because they were raped - and protested

    about it to authorities.

    All of us on this board should be highly familiar with how religion can can warp people's thinking and proper sensibilities.


  • outoftheorg

    I for one agree with Metatron.

    I wonder why this thread was started??

    Threads like this always end up with a lot of hostility and anger.

    Next comes the expulsion of members who disagree and resort to anger.


  • minimus

    The reason this thread was started is to show us how awful President Bush is and Americans who support him. If any of us made threads to inflame, we would be put on restrictions. I agree with the poster that perhaps we can have a new site for ex Witnesses that just put down Bush and his administration.

  • Jourles

    Let me get this straight. In Simon's first post, the only thing he said was,

    What a waste

    ...referring obviously to the loss of life in Iraq as mentioned in the BBC wire. And that translates into,

    The reason this thread was started is to show us how awful President Bush is and Americans who support him.

    Actually, this thread didn't turn in that direction until the Bush supporters read Simon's mind. If that was the case, do what I and many others do -- don't reply. Just ignore the thread. It will die on its own.

    To me, fluff threads and political threads are a way of life on this board. If you totally ban political threads, why not the fluff ones too? Afterall, is counting the amount of bunions on your feet in any way related to JW's? If you don't have any opinion on bunions, don't reply. The same goes for political threads.

  • stillconcerned

    thanks Meta, for being willing to go to the effort to reply...

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