Why to go at missing the point.
1/ No matter WHAT the texts of the Christian faith and Islamic faith say, the followers of BOTH religions have behaved in disgraceful, inhuman fashions at various points.
Is this true or false?
**True, but with a caveat: all followers includes those who have no idea that their faith teaches**
2/ In 1000AD Islam made Christendom look backward and brutal.
Is this true or false?
**false dilemma, this does not have a true or false answer, there are too many variables**
3/ Now "Christendom" makes parts of Islam look backward and brutal.
Is this true or false?
**Obviously true**
4/ Yet 200 years ago Christians and the various religions they were members of typically would have been in favour of things we would find totally unacceptable given concepts like human rights.
Is this true or false?
**Alleged (claimed) followers of Christ would, just as there were those who would not.**
5/ You can claim the content is different, go ahead. But can't support with evidence any claim the behviour of the two religions is significantly different if one views the history of each religion over the past 1,000 years.
**Content is different: there are an infinestimal amount of Christians that are terrorists. Terrorism is often an institution of a culture that is warped by the teachings of caravan robber who revenged himself of the Jews and Christians that did not accept his assertion that he was a prophet. He told a lie so big that he made Hitler look like a 'piker'.
Is this true or false?
**You obviously accept my point. My focus is on the immediate followers of Christ who were ‘closest to the vine’ and being martyred for upwards of four centuries by the most brutal empire to have come along.
This puts you in an embaressing situation. You claim the Bible is, shall we say, a less brutal biook than the Qu'ran?
**I claimed the New Testament is. The Old Testament in content also shows the wrath of God often being carried out by world powers. The Quran is a book that mistranslates the Old Testament and applies Arabian Kingdom law to a cultish religion. It is a large version of the WBTS.**
Yet despite this it's followers have been just as brutal as the followers of the Qu'ran!
**The followers may or may not have been Christians and we might judge this by their actions though we do not know their hearts. With the Roman Apostacy there was practically NO way for a Christian to know he was being misled.**
What does that say about the average Christian and Muslim over the past thousand years? It seems, according to what you say, that Christians have frequently been less peaceable than their text would allow, and the average Muslim has been more peaceful than their source text would ask for, if your claims about the relative content are accepted as true.
**We fall upon the same general assumption that is an erroneous one at that. People are judged by their actions according to what THEY SAY they believe. We have an inherent nature and inclination to sin and guess what? Believers are afforded the full attention of the Evil One because those who are not are already perishing (until a Christian is led to witness to them and the person is saved.). The average Muslim is peaceful because he is not in a position to win by force. As long as he is opposed by a force that keeps him in check he is held to account by fear of the sword. Look at the deafening silence from the world's Islamic leaders when terrorism strikes, then look at the Hitlerian goals of the Arabs!**
Shock news; Muslims are frequently nicer than their beliefs require them to be but Christians often fall short of the basic requirements of their faith!
**Ah, there you go spouting an assertion that may or may not be true. Christians are held to a higher standard. You still do not account for the fact that a Christian generally behaves like a Christ-follower and not as one who does not know Christ!**
It's the same Bible, the one you describe as the 'text of Christianity'. The same God I assume? Did he go on an anger management course, or what?
**Not knowing theology, I assume you do not know of ‘dispensationalism’ or ‘progressive revelation?**
If you will criticise what you see as offensive/immoral content in the Qu'ran, I think you'd best accept criticism from others about offensive/immoral content in the Bible.
**God does not need me to apologize for Him, I offer you only a reasonable explanation as ‘apologia’. You fail to see that the Jews do not practice the Old Testament standards. Even they recognize that the era has passed. God's wrath is a terrible thing, it is also His right and nowhere does the Lord of Glory, the risen one, call us to convert others by force. He alone has province over judgement.**
To try and evade it like that just makes it look like you have a massive double standard. Read the history of the two religions in the immediate times after the death of the spiritual leaders in question. And? For ****** sake man; 6/ Jesus was betrayed by one of the Apostles!
Is this true or false?
**First of all, do not slander the name of Jesus. You don't need to stoop to that! Your question may be true, in fulfillment of scripture. Now compare that to the bloodbath of the caravan robber’s cohorts. You cannot be this ignorant of history, can you now? Comparison denotes the stark contrast between cultish behavior and honest persuasion.**
Open your eyes, you're so eager to prod at the mote in Islam's eye you ignore the beam in Christianity's eye! If I am a 'bigot' for pointing out the stark contrasts between the teachings of the two religions ... oh, I'd agree the teachings are to an extent different, and this underlines and proves MY ENTIRE POINT.
**NO, my ENTIRE POINT IS PROVED as I have refuted you in the above answers!**
That’s enough for now. I need to get off the ‘merry go round’ for awhile but its been fun.