Welcome to the world of 'peaceful' Islam

by Shining One 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Shining One
    Shining One

    The internet malcontents like you are a minority too small to be of any significance. The liberals can't get accountable politicians nor CITIZENS to accept their extreme notions of how society should be conducted. That's why they need lib court judges to force their views on the majority. The ballot box is only handy for the libs when they have a populace stupid enough to accept their notions as 'enlightening'.
    How long would the libs survive under Sharia Law? Maybe we will find out in France....

  • stillajwexelder

    There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his prophet, and god help the rest of you that do not think so

  • tetrapod.sapien

    aaalllaaaahhh ackbar!!!

    he he he

    so? where are we now rex?



    okaydokee, thanks for coming out rex... blah blah woof woof...


  • Abaddon

    Oh for god's sake, is there any need to be so offensively bigotted?

    For centuries this could be said about Christians. In the past 200 years Christianity has been secularised and is typically not as misogynistic, sex-obsessed, racist and Imperialist as it once was.

    Then Christian's rape Arabic countries for oil-wealth, down to deposing democratic governments (in Iran), putting in despots (the Shah), and creating a situation where a theistic dictatorship can actually exist! If we had left alone Iran would be democratic today and the ENTIRE Middle East would be different due to a stable democratic Arab government at it's heart for some 50 years. That's not the only example of how the West totally bollocked up the devel;opment of free government in the Arab world.

    We can give Arab people mobiles and Nike shoes. Doesn't mean their culture has had the 200 years of secularisation our culture has had to knock the rough edges of our indigenous religion. Now, having CAUSED most of the problems, instead of THINKING about it, people play the bigot card.

    Just as increaseing education and wealth secularised the West, so too shall it secularise the Middle East. People need schools and jobs, not bombs and bullshit pushed by those with a vested interest in the status quo or a profound lack of understanding about the situation.

  • Shining One
    Shining One

    You would defend the cult of Islam, call people bigots, slam all the JWs then pretend you have the moral high ground? LOL A religion lives by what it teaches and you cannot see the difference between the N.T. (which is the culmination of all before it) 'law of love' and the Islamic 'law of death' (convert or die by Jihad)?

  • metatron

    True or false questions

    The majority of women in prison in Pakistan are rape victims who dared to complain about the crime committed against them

    and so now serve prison sentences because of the Muslim teaching that a women's testimony is only worth half that of a man

    - and so are punished for defaming their attackers.

    A British Muslim cleric recently gave well publicized instructions on the correct way to beat your wife.


  • avishai
    Like any true propagandist or political philosopher, you stand by your cherished ideas regardless of how they are exposed to be improbable.

    Replace "propagandist or political philosopher" with religious person and you have a great statement

  • Abaddon


    You would defend the cult of Islam,

    Auto-proctology seems to be come naturally to you. I don't defend Islam. I point out it's exactly how one would expect it to be given the historical and cultural factors, how Christianity was more-or-less the same in the West as little as two hundred years ago, and how nasty-mouthed little bigots paint a cultural, political, educational dichotomy as a relgious war of some sorts. I find it hysterical that the Christian religious bigots basically fall for the same moronitudes as Islamic religious bigots, and base their whole rationale upon this unrepresentative minority. Fortunately most Christians are not nasty-mouthed little bigots

    call people bigots,

    Look it up in the dictionary. First look for a page that has words that begin with 'B' on their top right or left corners. If the words at the top of the page begin with BA thru BN, turn the pages on the right until you get to words that begin with BI. the words at the top of the page begin with BP thru BZ, turn the pages on the leftuntil you get to words that begin with BI. Use this method to find the first word begining with BI, and then go through these words until you get to BIGOT.

    slam all the JWs

    You say that like it's a bad thing; I included cult-minded practisioners of toxic religion whose attitudes increase the risk of harm in the world along with JW's, so from where I'm standing, there ain't that much difference between you and them.

    then pretend you have the moral high ground?

    No, I just lampoon your self-rightous belief you have the moral high-ground, when you are a street-corner praying, camel swallowing, beam ignoring white-washed grave of a man.

    LOL A religion lives by what it teaches and you cannot see the difference between the N.T. (which is the culmination of all before it) 'law of love' and the Islamic 'law of death' (convert or die by Jihad)?

    And, once again proving my point YOURSELF (I don;t need the help, but thanks anyway), your hatred and contempt of your fellow man blinds you to the fact that modern Christianity is the product of ignoring VAST streaches of the Bible (I don't consider YOU a modern Christian) which are full of nastiness and bloodshed carried out in your gods name. Like the rape of virgin girls taken as war booty at god's command, aftyer they'd seen their familes butchered. YOUR god comanded this, yet you criticise Islam? Shame on you for your odious hypocracy. metatron Please provide statistics that back your claim re. Pakistan. And get with the program. No one is denying that Islam is capoable of extreme nastiness - it's just bigots such as Shiney here that try and pretend Christianity is any different on a historical scale. If both religions are capable of equal levels of nastiness, historically, regardless of the actual content of the Holy Books involved, but that level of nastiness changes as the culture changes, then we have a difference in the CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT of the cultures expressing these religions as the cause of the problems. It takes less time to build a country-wide network of mobile phone towers than to change a culture. If you gave a Victorian gentleman a mobile phone, he'd STILL think women being educated, or having the vote, or the right to own property was absurd, think beating her was right and neccesary, that people from Africa were animals and the Chinese not much better, and that God approved of the civilised white nations of the world conquering 'savage nations' and introducing them to Christianity and servitude to white Imperialism. The cultures of the Arabic world are retarded in their development and you can't change a culture overnight or even in a decade. Christianity has two-three hundred years of secularism to knock it's beastliness and violence off. Islam hasn't. THAT is the ONLY difference. Treating Muslims as the enemy plays into the hands of those Muslims (a minority) who regard Christians as the enemy. I'll have no part of such ignorance; whether you will or not is up to you. avishai Precisely. Hope all is well with you!

  • Shining One
    Shining One

    >I included cult-minded practisioners of toxic religion whose attitudes increase the risk of harm in the world along with JW's, so from where I'm standing, there ain't that much difference between you and them.

    What is more 'cult minded' than murduring people so that you can go to Mohammed's heaven and have 77 virgins? You must be a total idiot to think that the contrast between the teachings of each of the faiths is not the most crucial factor! I am not getting on your never ending merry go round of useless argumentation. The rest of your post is composed of the same compost!
    You simply have an axe to grind. You ignore your own ignorance and stick to the party line like any good left leaning liberal. Michael Savage says that, 'liberalism is a mental disorder'.......

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I'm ashamed to admit that Rex is my name.

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