Wow! I am free

by watch the tower 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • watch the tower
    watch the tower

    Ever since I stopped going to the meetings, I feel so free and liberated! I've been a witness my whole life up to this point and never could imagine how this could have felt! No more guilt trips, verbal spankings and phony superficial relationships.

    They try to scare you into thinking that if you dare leave Jehovah's organization tm , your life will be a barren wasteland, be overcome by Satan, turn into a drug addict and never find joy and meaning in your life again. What a load of bogus! Nothing could be further ffrom the truth.

    Does anyone feel the same way?

    It's true..The truth does set you free!

  • MerryMagdalene
    Does anyone feel the same way?



  • Sirona


    I love being free from the legal organisation called the Watchtower b & t society. There is nothing to replace the feeling of being authentic to oneself.


  • luna2

    It was the most wonderful release to free myself from the burden of the JW way of life. No more dragging around town half-heartedly placing sucky literature that nobody really wanted to read, no more boring meetings that I had no more interest in, no more feeling guilty for not studying. Aaaaahhhhhh! I'm still tickled about it and it's been over four years! LOL

  • metatron

    When I stopped going, I felt such pleasure and relief being home on weekday nights!

    After awhile, I couldn't remember how I ever functioned without having Tuesday/Thursday

    off. Then, not going to the assemblies felt even better!


  • AlmostAtheist

    I haven't been to a meeting in a year and a half, but last night I was out getting wood for the fireplace when I happened to notice it was 7:35pm. And Tuesday. I thought about the meeting going on right now, at least two, probably three hours of their day lost preparing for, driving to, listening to, and leaving from the same meeting they've attended all their lives. I smiled at the freedom.

    Guilt free living... nothing better!


  • watch the tower
    watch the tower

    It literally feels like jumping off of the hamster wheel doesn't it??

    I never knew what it felt like to genuinely relax until now. Now there's actually time to pursue activities and interests that reflect your genuine personality instead of having a regimented schedule shoved down your throat.

  • Kaput

    Yeah, it's great! With the scheduling gone, I don't even know what day it is!

  • kid-A

    Its wonderful, isnt it?

    The air is fresher, the sun shines brighter, and you can sleep in on saturdays!!!!

  • greendawn

    "They try to scare you into thinking that if you dare leave Jehovah's organization tm, your life will be a barren wasteland, be overcome by Satan, turn into a drug addict and never find joy and meaning in your life again".

    There are many people that lead meaningful lives outside the org and many that lead empty depressed lives inside it. The world with its golden abundance is what you make of it.

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