Wow! I am free

by watch the tower 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kaput
    and you can sleep in on saturdays!!!!

    Sundays, too!!!!

  • ICBehindtheCurtain

    YES INDEED, it really feels great!!!!! In celebration of my new found freedom, my family and I will be watching all the Harry Potter movies soon, since we no longer believe the nonsense that they are demonized .


  • luna2
    In celebration of my new found freedom, my family and I will be watching all the Harry Potter movies soon

    I've read all the books and seen all the movies, but I think this sounds fun. Just neet to purchase the last movie on DVD and buy me some chocolate frogs and I'll be ready to have a Harry Potter freedom fest this weekend. LOL

  • ithinkisee

    It's great isn't it!?

    In about February of this year that very same realization really hit me. No more guilt for not going to meetings and out in field service. I mean, I felt really trapped and alone from a family perspective, but it was an exciting feeling knowing my "eternal salvation" or whatever was not tied up in meetings and FS.


  • Seeker4

    That sense of freedom is wonderful - especially when you realize all the lies you were told about not having any life outside of the Organization.

    I love not going out in service, and at the same time having the total freedom to talk with people about the Witnesses, the Bible and religion.

    I've had this great experience where all of my co-workers come to me with questions about the Bible and religion - because they know I'll tell them whatever I know without any bullshit or trying to preach to them. They know that, while I don't believe, I have an extraordinary knowledge of the Bible and various religious views of it. I can remember, when the Passion Of Christ came out a year or so ago, a few different times with everyone in my office sitting or standing around my desk shooting questions at me about how that all fit together, Christ and the Jews and the Romans and the Apostles and all, and just simply being able to answer, without trying to "witness" or make some kind of point. I could just simply give all sides of the issue without having an agenda.

    Anyway, that was one of the 'freedoms' I've enjoyed since I left. Welcome to the real world.


  • R6Laser

    Freedom does feel good!

  • seattleniceguy

    watch the tower,

    Congratulations, and welcome to the board.

    I don't know if it possible to describe that feeling of liberation to a current JW. The first month that I was out felt like a year. It felt like I was wringing every last drop of life from each second. Just walking down the street, breathing the cool, fresh air, looking around my world with new eyes, was amazing. I could read about things that interested me. I could form opinions honestly. I could deal with my fellow humans as equals. I didn't have to deceive myself into thinking I liked meetings and field service, when, in fact, no one does. It was a beautiful time.

    Of course, the newness wears off at some point, but like Dave, I regularly have flashbacks of what I might be doing this moment if I were still a JW, and I am overcome with joy and gratitude that I made it out.

    Glad you made it! Hope to see you around!


  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    It's been over a decade since I've gone to a meeting but occasionally I'll still stop and notice that its a "meeting night" and Im doing my own thing. Priceless!

  • R6Laser
    When I stopped going, I felt such pleasure and relief being home on weekday nights!

    After awhile, I couldn't remember how I ever functioned without having Tuesday/Thursday

    off. Then, not going to the assemblies felt even better!

    Same way I felt the day I left. Not only that but I could do other things on meeting nights. I could actually work on meeting nights, something that the congregation elders were trying to stop me from doing. Amazing how much control these people had, but it was all because they were put in that position. I remember the day I left. The elders took me to the back room to tell me what to do with my life. Right there I told them that I had to live my own life and it was my decision. Since then I haven't gone back and it felt good when I did that.

  • onesong

    I haven't worn a tie since January ! I have time to live, laugh and love. Glorious freedom!!!

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