Another question: Does the new congregation contact the old congregation and get the dirt on your dfing? Do they need your old P.O.s opinion? Do they contact ex wives and husbands? If they dont know you, do they reinstate soley on the letters and the exhibited conduct? Do they come out to your house and make an inspection? Whats the shortest time spent Dfd?....besides Kwins?
A couple of questions for those who have been reinstated
by Lady Lee 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
i was gonna cut and paste a few lines from almost atheist and tall penguin...but i found that i would have been cut and pasting their whole stories...cos its the same as mine...and my head hurts just thinking about it
bastards...(not aa or tp)
tall penguin
banished1, let me see if I can answer some of your questions:
Does the new congregation contact the old congregation and get the dirt on your dfing?
If you still live close enough to the original congregation where you were df'd, you have to go back and deal with the original jc. If not, a jc is appointed in your new congregation and the matters are discussed between the congregations in writing.
The original congregation usually holds your records until the situation is rectified and you're reinstated, at which time a letter is sent with the details of your jc and df'ing. And apparently, that information is kept on file at the congregational level for 5 years. At wt, I believe the records are there for life.
Do they need your old P.O.s opinion?
I'm sure they consult the P.O. for everything.
Do they contact ex wives and husbands? If they dont know you, do they reinstate soley on the letters and the exhibited conduct? Do they come out to your house and make an inspection?
Generally, the final decision is based on the original congregation's recommendations and whether you are attending meetings regularly and of course your "repentant" attitude. And that is completely subjective.
Whats the shortest time spent Dfd?....besides Kwins?
The shortest I've heard of is 6 months.
tall penguin -
I quite enjoyed my reinstatement judicials. There weren't any awkward questions. And actually for my second reinstatement it was the elders that approached me and asked me when I was going to submit a letter of request after I'd been attending meetings for about 6 months. I humbly said I didn't feel I had suffered enough and that I would submit one soon.
Does the new congregation contact the old congregation and get the dirt on your dfing? Do they need your old P.O.s opinion? Do they contact ex wives and husbands? If they dont know you, do they reinstate soley on the letters and the exhibited conduct? Do they come out to your house and make an inspection? Whats the shortest time spent Dfd?....besides Kwins?
If there is no physical barrier to your being reinstated by your old congregation, they will require you to meet with them. If you've moved 500 miles away, though, you will be allowed to meet with a local committee. They will contact the old committee and yes, get the dirt on you.
Your being reinstated will hinge on how long you've been trying to get back in (count on no less than 3 months, more likely 6), if you've maintained proper JW conduct during that time, and your general attitude. An attitude of "I don't believe any of this guff, but my parents won't talk to me until I get my reinstatement" will never get you back in. You need to give them some sort of "I hate living in the darkness outside of Jehovah's loving organization. My heart aches for the love and compassion of his people. I'm certain I would never bring reproach on his name in the future." -- crapola like that.
In my case, more was better. Keep shoving letters at them and requesting meetings. They're busy, and if they can get you off their back by reinstating you, they will. (And if you seem pitiful enough, honestly, they ARE human. Compassion will play a part here.)
Are you actually trying to get reinstated? Or just curious about the process?
Lady Lee
"I hate living in the darkness outside of Jehovah's loving organization. My heart aches for the love and compassion of his people. I'm certain I would never bring reproach on his name in the future."
as the stomach turns
I could never grovel like that
I could never grovel like that
I have not yet begun to grovel!
I keep my "please reinstate me" letters on my palm... let's take a peek, shall we?
Quote from my first letter requesting reinstatement:
Though I know I in no way deserve to be named among Jehovah's clean people ever again, I am now asking for undeserved mercy and requesting that the judicial committee begin considering me for reinstatement. I have repented before Jehovah for what I have done, and changed my views about 'bad association' to come in line with Jehovah's will.
From my second letter:
The gravity of my sins, though, is matched by the depth of my sorrow over them. I am truly repentant of my wicked course, and so I now humbly beg the judicial committee to consider me for reinstatement.
In judging the validity of my claim of repentance, please consider that I have never misled the committee. I brought my sinful course to light myself, no information was withheld. Likewise now, I am being honest with the committee.
Being shunned by Jehovah's people is the worst thing I have ever experienced. I know I will eventually be allowed to return, but it is difficult not to be overtaken by despair. Please, if there can be room in my case for such mercy, please allow me to return to Jehovah's organization.
Thank you for your time.
(I love the "Thank you for your time" bit, like I was asking them to please put their finger on this string while I tie it.)
Excerpt from third letter (the one that finally got me back, though it was the timing, not the letter):
In order to allow me to again represent my family before Jehovah, to allow me the privilege of representing him in the ministry, and to allow me to again associate with his clean people, I again ask the judicial committee to extend undeserved mercy to me and approve my reinstatement. I have worked diligently in the months since my repentance to stay clean of worldly association and avoid anything that Jehovah hates. I am no longer a wicked man. 'The Truth is not a part of our life, it IS our life.' Please allow me to have my life back.
The saddest bit of all? I actually meant it all at the time.
"I am Bender, please insert girder."
Lady Lee
ahhhhh and what would you tell them now Dave?
I think I'd be incapable of writing letters like that to get back into any group of people who'd kicked me to the curb.
To hell with JW's and their "sock puppet" god.
ahhhhh and what would you tell them now Dave?
Gentlemen,I have been happily disfellowshipped now for a number of months. While I've enjoyed the freedom from guilt and the lack of stress in my life, I have in some small way missed fellowship with my mind-controlled, zombie-like in-law's. I understand that they are utterly incapable of allowing themselves to speak with me, as their god -- the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society -- forbids it. To alleviate this situation, I wonder if you'd be so kind as to whip out that S-79b card, sign that puppy, and trot it's ass on over to the boys in Brooklyn? There's a crisp twenty-dollar bill in it for each of you.
Then the governing body can jam its hand into my in-law's backs, pull their strings, and make them appear to carry on conversations with me again.
In anticipation of your response, may I offer a preemptive "kiss my ass".
Thank you for your time.
Yours in Christ,