I hated it. The "Work" was bad enough when we used to call at doors , but then there was at least a fighting chance that nobody would be at home .
To stop people in the street, or approach them on a park bench was such an invasion of their space that I just knew it was not right. I know how I would have reacted, and that was negatively!.. Mind you , I knew some dubs who would do well at that work. Usually it was the brazen types who never stopped to think of the other person.
lola, .... I reckon your cong. does things different to the way it was done here in my day. We stood in one place and had to talk to a lot more people per hour than in door to work.
If you are really going to do this , I hope that you consider it a worthwhile use of your time, ie giving away mags to people who do not really want them, and if they did read them would only misrepresent the God of the Bible..
One comforting thought that I still have on Saturdays, is that at least I saw sense and I do not have to go out doing that...