We all work out our OWN salvation with fear and trembling...sometimes what you need to do is more than just split..."I" I hope it works out for you, I am sure it isn't easy.
Street work
by pratt1 34 Replies latest jw experiences
in a new york bethel minute
yea when i was young we would get up at 6 and go on street corner, then go for breakfast and then to the arrangement. i liked it because i would get to go out with the older young ones in the hall and they made it fun... but god help me if i had to do it when i was older...
johnny cip
street work here in nyc. is a joke . most jw's just stand in front of the subway stop and hand out tracts. like that guy on fulton st. handing out a flyer to go into his store. that say today only 50% off!!!!!!!!!! corner the dubs all the time. start asking simple bible questions. they melt like yellow snow mixed with sidewalk dirt. i find the jw's that work the stops are the dummest of dum. and have no idea of what the wt teaches. it usually takes me 10 minutes to chase them off the train station. and about a week to get them not to show up there any longer. as they know i'm looking for them... it's like shooting fish in a barrell. john
Seriously, I mean no disrespect, but don't you think YOU would be considered lukewarm for participating on this site?
ah yes, the street work, best ever excuse to get out of the field work! We used to go into Liverpool town centre at about 5 o'clock in the morning, i'd be straight into McDonalds for a cuppa, leave a few mags on the seat and turn in, ooh say 3 hours start to finish time, (morning papers read? check!) i viewed the magazines as an "active propagation tool" just becuase theyre not in your hand, they will work for someone if they read them.
As we were from out of town, the local brothers used to get well pissed off at us stepping on their turf, there was a incident I vaguely recall of my mates brother, the super-witness, almost scary in his zeal, having a major dummy spit with some brother from a local cong, when on their turf, i think harsh words were spoken!
What was i thinking, 5 o'clock??? I'll never get those precious hours back! -
I did it only rarely. I wanted to aux pioneer but with school and work i didn't have a whole lot of time to devote to making my hours, so I would just join some of the younger ones out on weekends while they were making their time doing street work. But, I only did it a few times cause I was utterly disgusted by the process. Within a two street radius there were about 30 JW's walking around in small groups of 2 or 3... stopping in front of the bakeries and on corners and handing out tracts to people who would throw them on the ground.
I think one of the last times I went I was there for 5 minutes, saw the embarassing situation it would look like to a normal person walking down the street minding their own business -- so I jumped in my car and took off. I ddn't want to be that one extra person to make the collective group look like fools.. I was surprised that even my mom didn't say anything when I would up at home so early.
Phew... so glad I don't have to do that anymore. So unproductive and actually probably a counter-witness to the casual observer.
Did you or people in your congo engage in this and were there any funny stories relating to this practice?
Long time ago...used to do street corner in a poor downtown urban setting.My wife and I had to beat off the poor ,homeless and druggies.We felt we were doing the right thing but the reality was we were just "playing a game in our minds"
I dont agree. Jesus said he would rather have you HOT or COLD rather than LUKE WARM. He said he would spit out LUKE WARM.
how does it feel to be spit...You obviously are not a "hot one"
Ahhh street work......
stand around like a statute with the magazines placed across your chest like a billboard
hated it.
but it was a great way to just idly count time. I hardly ever spoke to anyone.
Of course this one time we were out very early in the morning on a Saturday and my mom JUST HAD to start witnessing to a bunch of very drunk and obviously lonely men.
She JUST HAD to force me to talk to this one man with elevator eyes and who only spoke to my chest.
At one point he started to lean in a little too close and I shoved him back hard. Then I walked away and spent the rest of the morning in the coffee shop.
This scene would repeat itself often. My mom never displayed any street sense when it came to spreading the "Good News"
I liked it when I was young and gutsy. It let me pick who I wanted to talk to rather than play russian roulette with a doorbell. When I got older I realized the 75% not at home rate was preferable and only taking 1 door in 10 or so drastically reduced the chance of having to give a presentation.