Bob otherwise know as the big guy or gal (take your pick) upstairs
What do you call God
by PoppyR 28 Replies latest watchtower bible
I'm also in the "imaginary" crowd, but my wife calls her god(s) and goddess(es) her "Divine".
Flying Spaghetti Monster!
Poppy you are asking a lot of good questions. Most persons here don't like using the name jehovah not only because it reminds them of their time of enslavement in a soulless cult, but also because it was never used in the new testament writings by the apostles contrary to what is written in the new world translation.
Jehovah is also a big word in the lucifer worshipping free masonry organisation with which the Watchtower is suspected of having strong hidden connections.
Call God "Father" as per the Holy Sprit of adoption that restores to men the sonship that Adam had lost. -
What i call him .. begins with a C and ends with a T
I still pray and call my god Father. Because He is. I too find it disrespectful to call him by name. My parents were furious whenever I called them by their first name. I don't imagine God gets furious, but you do call a father you love and respect, Father or Daddy...never by their given name. Edited to add: Also, you might try The Message version of the bible. It's written in a contemporary style and very easy to understand. Since I started reading that version, I appreciate the bible MUCH more. If I want to read a particular version, but don't have it, I go to , where you can read different version of the same scripture.
Forgive my tab at the bar as I have also bought many rounds
You buyin' tonight, baby? Or are you still a little hungover?
Big Hey to arrowsar - one of my fave posters!
Poppy, I applaud your desire to know what is "worth knowing"; however, if you are truly interested in knowing your Source, why choose the archaic tribal deity presented within the pages of the Bible?
Hey James.. I'm still very interested in the bible, I STILL feel it has much to tell me, maybe not all, but much, I would also like to read other religious books (oops I said that out loud) Therefore I would like to read a version that is simple and non biased, as I now fear the NWT is not. Sorry it's not your bag, but it's the way I'd like to go, at least for now.
Poppy x
Good for you, Poppy. The Bible is a very interesting and beatiful book to read, at least once you`ve done away with the JW-filters (which won`t happen for some time, I`m afraid, as you will probably find out). The king James version os as good as any. And yes, the NWT is extremely biased. Basically, the WTS rewrote the Bible to suit their doctrine (there are many threads on this issue too, on this forum). Also get some secondary litteratur (not religious) on the Bible, or a version with...oh, whats the english word..."interlinear"? (what I`m trying to say: Some version with extensive footnotes...).