I never had brothers complain about my clothes. I did have some brothers tell my exhusband that their wives were upset about my clothing. I never even dreamt of trying to flirt with brothers and I wouldn't have tried to be sexy on purpose. But some sisters have active imaginations. They decide their husbands are all lusting after you. I thought the sisters in West Texas were cool to me. Then when I moved away, my exhusband and sister in law told me that the sisters worried their husbands liked me too much. I never got any indication that their husbands liked me in that way. The sisters said they knew I was oblivious to it all, but I honestly think their husbands were innocent.
My view of brothers at that time was that they just didn't allow lust into their hearts. An elder came along later who changed all that.
Lola, wear what you feel is attractive and comfortable.