How did your jw families appreciate people knocking on your doors on trick or treat night? Ever answer the door and tell them how pagan they were? We had one jw house that used to be totally dark except for the porch light so we could read their sign- we are jw's and do not celebrate halloween. The kid went to our school and we thought it was a rip off for him. By Monday we all forgot about him and no trick or treating so I don't think anyone ever even asked him about it. He was a year behind me so I didn't really know him that well. Just wondered if your families hid out on that night as well.
JW's on trick or treat night
by carla 33 Replies latest jw friends
i used to hate it, because all the kids round my neck of the woods were little shits!
We never made a big deal abnout it jsut said no thanks, and waited till the morning to remove the eggs etc from the house!
I remember one year though, some guy got duct taped to our porch by his "mates" and egged and floured! was kinda funny becuase he used to call us "jovies" all the time. So like a good christian, we hosed him down, with cold water mind you and sent him on his way!
How did your jw families appreciate people knocking on your doors on trick or treat night?
It depended. If it were on a meeting night at the KH, many JWs would go out to eat and then to the meeting to avoid being home.
If it were a book study night at a private home, that was tricky. Many book study groups meet in the basement so they just turn off the porchlight after they all get in. I have known of homeowners to disable the bell.
Mostly, in this area, if a home's porchlight is not on, most people know not to go there.
It could be a nuisance. I knew of some kooky JWs that handed out tracts to people at the door but in one congregation the elders cautioned not to do that.
Not everyone in my neighborhood participates and it is not a religious reason. They don't have kids or their kids are grown and they find it a hassle.
We always left the house until late on Halloween night. I can only remember one time being home and it was because it was a Tuesday night and we had bookstudy at our house. (ohh weren't WE the priveledged ones! ) I can remember the knocking going on through the entire study about every five minutes, and some of those little kids were relentless-lol.
I only remembered getting egged once though, I think that it was pretty much understood where I grew up that if the porch light wasn't on, just go to the next house... no big deal.
horrible life
My mother would answer the door, and say "We don't observe Halloween." Us kids refused to answer the door. I remember begging her to say Celebrate instead of Observe. She wouldn't do it. They didn't know what she was talking about. HL
I remember being extremely frightened on Halloween night, as early as 3 years old. My parents made it seem like the devil and his demons would actually be coming to our house. The lights were turned off and we hid in a back room. It felt like we were under attack.
As the years went by, the parents lightened up, and just took us to movies or out to eat on Halloween night. Some years we were "fortunate" enough to recieve some more programming on Halloween night. -
We had told to keep the porch light off and my parents would drag the TV in to their bedroom and we would all sit in there in the dark with the curtains drawn and watch TV. But I remember sneaking and peaking out the curtain and watching everyone walking up and down the street dressed up. I wanted to dress up it looked like so much fun.
Jw's don't like Halloween, because they don't like strangers knocking on their doors.
My Mom would always keep the lights off in the whole house, but one time the neighbor kids decided to try it anyway, and my Mom couldn't tell them no. She went to her purse and got two sticks of dentyne gum, the kids just stood there with a shocked look on their faces. (Yes, Mom, I am telling on you for this one! May Jehovah strike you down at Armaggedon!!!) I guess they couldn't believe they were getting such a poor halloween treat! They never came back the next year.
My dad would turn off the porch light and all of the lights in the house and make us all huddle in a back room waiting "for it all to be over".