I was looking around the internet, trying to locate an image of God'S chariot to show someone, and I found this little place here. It's...interesting. As far as I can tell from poking around there seems to be a mix of the faithful, the inactive, and the disfellowshiped (like myself). It's odd to see a melange like this (can't those of you still practicing face comitee meetings over stuff like this? I know I had several over reading comic books...). Anyhow. Just saying hi. I'll be around for a bit. Huh...it's been ages since I've given any of this much though (I've been out for about ten years now....and the change was dramatic, cutting off all ties to my immediate and extended family, save my sister who's gone back now though).
by klinton 32 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome! Yes, all types here! A few active jw's and yes we keep asking them about getting df'd for being here. You will find many in the same boat as yourself. I'm not jw, never been, just trying to get loved one out. I'm a ubm (unbelieving mate). question for you- What's the deal with not reading comic books? I have seen that a few times now. Do you mean even the old Spider Man, or Wonder Woman, or things on that line? Or are there some that are more 'adult' now? Or just any comic book at all?
Sad emo
Hi klinton
Welcome to our chariot!! Have a real good look around and enjoy your stay!
It was X-men. I think they just latched onto the 'psychic' characters and labled it evil across the board, without taking the time to read the subtexts and see what an amazing theme the books had.
Sam the Man
Hi Budd.
Oh...and hey to the three of you. Thanks for the welcome!
hope you enjoy being on this site, i was dfed in march and have been trying to get reinstated for my family but now i cant take it anymore and am trying to be honest with them that i dont want it anymore! so wanted to ask you how you coped with it losing everyone?
Good Saturday morning Klinton! We have a few comic like characters here! Stick around. You may get amused.
Hello Klinton. Welcome to the board.
How I coped? Hmmmm....that's still a work in progress I think. Heavy drinking and partying were my first attempts. That led to making a bunch of friends who filled the gap rather well, I think. But there's always going to be a little hole where your family should be. It's not natural to be completely alone, you know...as if you hatched from an egg or something. My poor boyfriend still has to deal with heavy shit that he really shouldn't have to. I still find it odd to see his family around all the time, and I have only him.