RACISM Behind 1909 Watch Tower Magazine Name Change

by West70 30 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Legolas
    Wow I realy thank you for this post. I was talking to a bible reasearcher this man has printed many book about the Bibles true teachings. He proved without a doubt that the original text shows in Gen's 1: & 2 God created Humans (Gen 1) which means man of color and then later created ADAM Gen 2 which mean white man that can blush. He showed me the original Hebrew words and thier meanings. So Adam and Eve were seperate creations from the rest of Humans. Plus he prooved that in MANY MANY places in the bible that GOD said for ADAMS LINAGE was not to mate with the HUMANS.

    I want to make this point clear the book of Gen's is not correct and I will never worship a GOD that is racist. So I do not believe the book Gen's should be part of the BIBLE cannon. The Bible does support this claim if you believe it is written BY GOD> I HATE RACIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will post points on this in the near future be ready to question everything you thought you know about the GOD of the Jew's

    Wow don't take long doing that...I want to read it!

    BTW...what do you mean Adams linage was not to mate with humans?

  • skyman

    Watchtower Use to believe that The Black race was Hams decendants which was a curseded.

    Watch Tower 1898 August 1 p.230

    “...The negro race is supposed to be descended from Ham, whose special degradation is mentioned in Gen. 9:22, 25”

    Quote taken from http://jwfacts.com/index_files/blackskin.htm

  • skyman


    to give you just a little piece of the pie. The word Bastard used in the bible does not mean child without a dad but actually means some one not of your race. This is taken form the STRONG's C oncordance. Do you remember the scripture that say the BASTARD can not enter into GODS house for ten genrations. SO if ADAMS linage mated with a HUMAN his children could not worship GOD at his house.

    This is only a very small point to show what the BIBLE realy teaches.

    ALSO one more point JOB the greatest of all the Orientals. The Bible did not say the greatest MAN that ever lived.

    I need to take some time and poist the points correctly.

  • Leolaia

    The context is that the 1890-1920 period was "the nadir of race relations" in America, as historians often put it. See, for instance:


  • stillAwitness

    The Wt openly admitted to segreagated cons. during the Jim Crow days claiming this was to avoid what was going on in manY churches (burning buildings by the KKK etc.) but thatS BS when you do the research, What about all their stories of the Hutsi and Tutsi tribes in Africa and about how our brothers came togethor despite politcal upheaval. WHatever. ANd if you read the early issues Of the Zion and other publications you will find that Russel and Rutherford especially were the 2 most racist mofos on the planet. They associated vitilitgo as a sign of the new system coming near when all blacks would be freed from the curse of Han and be turned back to white, A-HOLES!

  • Dune

    Blondie is correct though. Our congregation, hell our whole circuit is mostly black people. Not that i hate my own people (lol), but I love going to other congregations just to see different people. And yes, it usually depends on the area. I kind of hate it when i see watchtowers with pics of congregations with bro/sis of all these races cause i never see that in 99% of the congregations i go to.

  • Cygnus

    A girl I know who has been associated with JWs for over 20 years says that in Shreveport, Louisiana and many other southern localities, segregation among JW congregations was the norm up to the 1980's. I don't know all the particulars however to pass judgment.

  • West70

    Bit off topic, but around 1992 I attended a JW funeral in a town which had historically had no African-American residents, primarily because the town had no industry/jobs. However, surrounding counties all had A-A residents.

    This funeral was attended by 6 or 8 A-A JWs from a neighboring congregation. For whatever reasoning that goes on in the minds of some JW Elders, these A-A JWs were told by their local Elders to each carry a NWT into the funeral home, "so any non-JW locals that attended the funeral would know the A-As were JWs".

    They stuck out alright, and were oggled alright, not because they were A-As, but because they were the only folks who came marching into the funeral home carrying Bibles, and some of the Bibles were those old GREEN monstrosities. I also believe one or more was carrying the WT songbook (was the bright pink one still in use in 1992?).

    It was more ridiculous than I can relate. If those JWs had just attended the way everyone else did, no non-JW would have thought or said anything. Besides, you could have counted on the fingers of one hand the number of white attendees who did not have some familiarity with the JW org.

  • jwfacts

    To include a letter without comment is to lend support to the contents of the letter.
    I feel JW's are very open these days to people of all nations, and in doing so are reflecting what the rest of society also believes to be politically correct. However there were a number of Watchtower comments in regards to the superiority of the white race 100 years ago, which was also just a reflection of the attitude of people around. The point; that Holy Spirit did not direct the attitude of the Watchtower writers, they just adopted the misconceptions of the prevailing era.

  • West70

    I will assume that by now - those who are interested in such things- have seen my "other posting" that at the time that Charles Taze Russell started his own "Watch Tower" magazine in July 1879 there already was another religious monthly named "The Watch Tower" magazine, which had been published for nearly a decade.

    Interestingly, its' publisher was also a student of GEORGE STORRS.

    Does anyone seriously believe that CTR was not familiar with such when he decided to pliagerize the name?

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