it all revolves around god. religion is the label used to draw lines and create communities that do not want to cooperate.
do the aboriginal natives have the right to take back the land from the canadian government, and make them pay for the genocide?
who has the "right" to anything? i would like to just go and take some land for myself too. i mean, after all, why should i have to pay for it, if we didn't pay the natives for it?
the fundamentalist isrealis want the heathen muslims driven into the sea. it's the promised land to them, handed down from on high by moses and that god whose name they shall not utter. it doesn't have anything to do with being driven out of the land at some point in the past, but coming back and sharing.
i am not saying that the muslims are blameless at all. they're all a bunch of crazy, mono-god-subscribing, mo-fo's.