Beheading of three Christian girls

by TopHat 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • bull01lay

    On the beheading topic - it's absolutely sick. There can be no justification for hurting children - period.

    SO - Tetra :

    Shame your debate has lowered itself to plain insults - isn't that similar to fundamentalist attitudes ? i.e. My way of thinking is correct - you must be wrong / stupid / abused ???


  • LittleToe

    These people really are barbaric, regardless of what religion they allegedly follow:

    Bull:You want that I should knock their heads together?

  • bull01lay

    Sounds good to me LT! LOL.... You hold 'em !

    Good to hear from you matey!


  • RevFrank

    According to scripture in Revelations the False prophet which I believe stands for religions is told in chapter 14 of revelations is to get away from Babylon..Meaning maybe religions. After all scripture speaks of following Christ not a religion.

    I've studied world religions and the bloody path of those religions. During the Crusades and the renaissance era untold thousands died all in the name of God. Some say it was the Vatican. Others say different religions. But the facts remain....Many were killed all in the name of religion. It's still going on today, especially in the name of allah.


  • tetrapod.sapien


    debate? i see no debate. rex doesn't debate, he lies. so i give him a piece of my mind. if you don't like it, don't read it.


  • LittleToe


    if you don't like it, don't read it.

    There was really no call for that.

    It was barbed comments like that that stopped Bull posting in the first place.

    You should also know that he is a childhood friend of mine, we were both each other's bestman for our first marriages, and were separated for about six years by a mutually known cultwhen he got DFed. He's closer than family and I'm gonna defend him to the hilt (not that hilt, ya wee scunner!)

  • tetrapod.sapien

    sorry guys.

    seriously. to me, debating with rex is like debating with a governing body member, except rex is way more arogant. as a matter of fact, i put him in the same box as the GB. ruining peoples lives via ignorance, and screwing with our species. i don't think he has said a single honest or factual thing of substance in his entire stay here at the board. so would i tell a GB member to go f*ck himself? ya, i would.

    again, sorry bull.


  • Dune

    Things would be alot easier if there wasnt religion.

  • Shining One
    Shining One

    >in comparison to religion, science is manifestly real. apart from making people feel good about their existence, i can't think of much positive religion has done in comparison with the amount of human violence it has instigated.
    Good science is exactly what you say. Violence is instigated out of our selfish human nature. False religion often reflects this image. False teachers in a true religion accomplish the same thing when no one is courageous enough to oppose them. The apostles to a man stood for the gospel and it all went downhill from there. The Holy Roman empire completed the apostacy and the Bible had already passed out of reach to the common man.
    >corporations are also violent, in non-blood-shedding ways. but violent, none-the-less.
    They are reflections of the moral guideposts of their own culture. Benevolence in business is often a dead thing because morality and ethics (not exclusively) have been removed by our present philosophy of moral relativism.
    >i just think that out of all the labels, religion is the most absurd excuse for violence. this is born of my non-belief, obviously.

  • Shining One
    Shining One

    I have a couple of honest question again, Tetly. Why is it that you react so negatively to a person standing up and preaching what he believes to be the truth? Is it arrogance to believe strongly in the faith that you have purposely studied and the savior that you personally know? I make no apologies for my beliefs and I believe they are every bit as valid as what you believe.

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