PO says that "Parents and children have the wrong view on full-time service

by truthseeker 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    A friend told me that during the Watchtower study, the PO commented that, "at the district convention this year, the District Overseer said that

    the reason they had the drama on Timothy, and the dangers of his going on to further his education, was that parents and children today have

    the wrong views on full-time service and higher education. They think there is more advantage and benefit to getting a college degree than full-

    time service, such as pioneering or Bethel service."

    The paragraph discussed was in the Sep 15 WT, second study article...

    Blondies write up http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/10/100911/1.ashx

    18 When parents encourage their children to take up full-time service, they as

    well as their offspring receive many blessings. A father of twin sons held

    pioneer service before them as a goal from their early childhood. After

    finishing their secular education, the twins did become pioneers. Reflecting on

    the joys he has experienced as a result, this father writes: "Our boys have not

    disappointed us. Gratefully we can say, 'Sons are an inheritance from Jehovah."'

    (Psalm 127:3) And how do children benefit from pursuing full-time service? A

    mother of five says: "Pioneering has helped all my children to develop a much

    closer relationship with Jehovah, has improved their personal study habits, has

    helped them learn how to manage their time wisely, and has helped them learn to

    put spiritual things first in their lives. Although all of them had to make many

    adjustments, none of them regret the path they have chosen to follow."

    19 Youths, what are your plans for the future? Are you seeking to excel in some

    professional field? Or are you working toward a career in the full-time service?

    "Keep strict watch that how you walk is not as unwise but as wise persons,"

    admonished Paul, "buying out the opportune time for yourselves, because the days

    are wicked." He adds: "On this account cease becoming unreasonable, but go on

    perceiving what the will of Jehovah is."-Ephesians 5:15-17.

    For those of you who haven't read or don't know about the society's new stand on higher education,

    check out the link for the Oct 1st WT, second study article...


    I think it is disraceful that the Society is toying with young people's lives like this, flip-flopping on whether JW youth can attend university or not.

    I believe a poster did comment here, that last year there were NO applicants to the British Bethel.

    Also, a friend of mine said that "with all the hard talk about higher education we're hearing about, the end must be really near."

    This is only going to get worse. I feel for all those JW youth who are attending, or planning to attend a university.

  • kid-A

    none of them regret the path they have chosen to follow

    LMAOROFL!!!!! What a joke!!! Lets see, a lifetime of being broke, not owning a home, never owning a car, living in a studio apartment, buying your clothes at Goodwill, eating kraft dinner while peddling magazines for a multibillion dollar publishing corporation!! Hell, who would regret a life like that!! LOL

  • Finally-Free
    Lets see, a lifetime of being broke, not owning a home, never owning a car, living in a studio apartment, buying your clothes at Goodwill, eating kraft dinner while peddling magazines for a multibillion dollar publishing corporation!!

    Yeah, people are supposed to give up everything for this publishing company. I'm surprised they haven't yet asked people to sell their kidneys and donate the money to the society.


  • AuldSoul

    See? It is a well-established fact that if any organization cannot arouse and maintain the interest of the youth they cannot survive.

    And the Playstation/XBox generation is tough nut to crack for a stodgy old, "DON'T SURF THE NET" kind of organization. They are already dead, as an organization. They just don't know it. Technology has expanded into the third world faster that JWism, people will not believe in the FDS anymore.


  • forsharry

    It's a great idea, what are you talking about?! It's keeping countless tens of people out of vying for my position!

    and I happen to think faux-shells and cheese is fabulous.

  • upside/down

    none of them regret the path they have chosen to follow

    I regret it... don't I count?


  • forsharry

    We don't count 'cause "Is defective. Take it back."

    I honestly get a kick out of the sweeping generalizations that these high-control groups put out. It's all "Twististics."

  • greendawn

    So the old witchtower never give up on interfering in young people's lives and manipulating their education prospects.

    Who wants to serve an org that abandons those that served it faithfully once they can no longer contribute any more? Is working for the WTS the same as working for God's kingdom? Does the multibillion WTS society give the good example by making sacrifices for the needy R&F?

    And so many JWs and ex JWs regretted not going to uni, thus ending up with low paid menial jobs for a lifetime washing windows or working for McDonalds, bottom of the social ladder.

  • Elsewhere
    none of them regret the path they have chosen to follow."

    I find it very interesting they felt the need to make this comment. It strongly implies that MANY of the people who pioneered instead of going to college ended up regretting it.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I wasn't brought up in the org, and I did go to uni and got an english degree. I wanted to be a teacher, then the jws came along and instead I ended up pioneering and working part time. I didn't regret it at the time, but I do now, very much. I feel so unfulfilled career wise, and I know of others who are still in the org who feel the same way, yet they still try to influence young people to take up full time service at the expense of a decent career. I seriously question their right to do this.

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