PO says that "Parents and children have the wrong view on full-time service

by truthseeker 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stress Free
    Stress Free

    Education is a threat to there thought controlling organization. University teaches people how to think for themselves and not to accept things at face value.

    My wife attended uni while we were still in the borg and boy was she harassed by fellow j dubs, including the elders. An interesting fact was that in one of her essays she referenced some information from the Awake. However, the uni wouldn't accept the information in the essay because the Awake didn't reference where they got there information from. This made us curious and the more we looked at there publications it opened our eyes. We started to realise that much of the information they had being feeding us all those years was speculation, not factual or taken out of context. Yes we had been taken for a ride and deceived.

    Yes education threatens there existence, therefore they will do all within there power to stop young ones receiving a higher education.

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