LOL legolas, thanks for being so friendly and welcoming me to tha boards! very cool dude! Jgant The Watchtower society has done you a great evil, to not recognize God's great love and care for you. I was always told that jehovah knows the hairs on our heads and has names for every grain of sand on the beach theres a scripture about it not sure where tho.. It only makes sense that he would care about us :)
Lets be real
by acuragirl 48 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
sweet tee
I do believe there is a God but I don't know what that is per se. I guess I am just going along with my own emotions. There is something, someone I pray to and call upon for help and I believe that I receive the help I need even if it is only strength. In operating from the most honest and sincere place within myself ... I cannot deny nor confirm that there is a 'supreme being and creator of all things' therefore I am resolved to live my life being the best person I can be because that feels good to me - always has, which is one of the things that made me such a good
stupid assed brainwashed blinded foolwitless. So in my world, there is no devil, there are no demons, the future is unknown and whatever happens when we die is what happens. I don't have any proof or confirmation of supernatural things so I can't let them rule my life. The laws of nature are easy enough to understand and follow why should the laws of God be so excruciatingly difficult to comprehend? And impossible to fulfill completely? Is it because what we are taught to believe about God doesn't actually come from God? That's my theory. People have determined what God wants from us and call it 'worship'. I feel no need to 'worship' the God within me - all my God wants from me is love and appreciation. Isn't that what we all want when it comes down to it?Sweet freedom ... no fear
sweet tee
zen nudist
I have never met any god[s] nor seen any heavens, but I was married and so
I know there is a Satan and hell -
LMAO @ Zen Nudist
- Do I believe in God? Yes, I met Him and was left speechless
- Do I believe in a Devil? Yes, I met him and didn't particularly enjoy the experience
- Do I believe in good and evil? Sure, as in evil being an absence of good
- Do I celebrate Hallowe'en? No, I'm too old and warty, but if I had kids then sure, why not?
I'm not superstitiously afraid of the unseen, and try to live to the maxim - "fear only fear itself!"
I & my husband believe in a Divine realm, but not in the God of the Bible and not in the bible itself..........Balsam
If I believe in Satan but not God? Does that mean I have to do without christmas?
In all honesty, I don't know what to believe, all I really know is that maybe one day, I'll find out...
In the meantime, I'm going out to a halloween party at the pub!
Darth Yhwh
Sorry, the jury is still in deliberation.
if you believe there is GOD then you must believe there is Satan right??
One does not necessarily follow the other. Just because I exist does not necessarily mean there has to be some... anti-daystar out there somewhere.
Any God, capital G, that I could "believe in" would encompass all possibilities and be beyond human moral value judgements such as "good" and "bad".
I don't believe in god without a doubt.
Even if I did, I would still take my kids out to enjoy it. It's the early Christians who named it the devil's holiday.