It is for me. I find that when I tell a person exactly how Witnesses think and why they believe in things the certain way they do, it feels good! Listening to myself express the craziness of the religion makes me abhor their practices and mind control.
Is Discussing Jehovah's Witnesses Therapeutic For You???
by minimus 29 Replies latest jw friends
Theraputic? Yes, but only when talking to current or former Witnesses.
Those who have never been a JW usually look at me like I am a crazy, conspiracy theorist. Who can blame them eh? Some of the stuff WTBS does is really out there! -
I also enjoy telling non JWs how the JWs actually think. It assures the unsuspecting that not opening their doors is a good thing!
Mostly it just pisses me off, and sometimes I wonder why I keep talking about it. Maybe I'm a rageaholic.
Only with you guys. I'm embarrassed to even admit any involvement while talking with others.
I tell people why the Witnesses don't celebrate birthdays, Mother's Day, etc. I tell them the inner workings of the elders and how elders are supposed to think. I explain the faithful and discreet slave class stupidity in detail and the real views on voting, social and community involvement and so forth.
I like talking about it with ex-jws...trying to talk about it with my family and friends is a different thing all together. I turn into like "Auntie Evil-Satan-Cat is gonna sit down and tell you children a story!" cause some of the information just seems so unbelievable.
I don't talk to dubs...I haven't spoken to one in years and the last time they visited the house it was when I was living with my in-laws and the FIL took care of them. Maybe this is a good thing?
I enjoy sharing war stories, the ones we all have.
This place keeps me up to date with the latest, in the org.
It makes me feel better 'sort of'. Just wish there where more people interested in healing from discussion rather than (technical/biblical/atheist/pagan) arguements.
The fact that not many people discuss the positive things that came out of their experience with JWs is kind of saddening. Realizing that people often come here with alot of pain due to loosing their entire family (Like Me) it is nice to know your not the only person this has happened too. -
Definitely, though I tire of it more and more lately. It is draining to be negative all the time.
This site has helped me maintain sanity during tough and lonely times. Now that I have my wife to talk to about stuff I find myself coming here less and less.
I imagine I will post more updates to our saga once we actually move and the "fade" begins.
Thanks for the site though.