I have a thing coming up in which I am afraid it will turn into a dubby fest. I am so dreading it. Cannot get out of it no how, no way. It is a public venue.I only know a few faces from the hell. Any suggestions? Besides for a few cocktails or physically getting ill. (I will do both I think) He is rather looking forward to this. I am not. Once upon a time..... I too would have looked at this thing as a great event. Three days to go. I think most at the hell know how I feel, think that will make any difference? I actually own part of the property they will be in (well not own but rent, mine none the less for quite some time) geez, I feel like I need some garlic and crosses or something! Maybe some carved pumpkins will keep them away. And a flag too!
afraid it will turn into dubby land
by carla 17 Replies latest jw friends
Goodness...what is this thing, carla? I would imagine if you put up some "pagan" holiday decorations some dubs might avoid your area, not sure. JWs can pretty much ignore anything they want to if they benefit in some way (ie..free food, sale prices, etc...).
I'm sorry they are ruining this event for you.
carla, you are someone who is always "out there" with your feelings. This event will take a little more finesse. Can you play "Stepford Wife" for an evening? They are masters at it. You could do what I do and have fun switching their cult personality on and off. My favorite is to find out about some hobby or interest of theirs and ask active, interested questions. All human beings respond to attention. Watch them reveal their true selves. It really is rather fun.
Then, if you are feeling particularly wicked, turn the cult personality back on and ruin their evening. Say something like, "Did you hear about those muggings in the subway? Whatever is our world coming to?" or "How much longer can this old world last?"
If someone tries to corner you with the JW schpiel, do an ummhmmm noncommittal answer. If you can carry it off. I'm not sure, you are pretty up front and personal with your feelings.
What I DON'T want to see happen is to have you go off like a firecracker and leave the event early. The JW's will swarm on hubby with condolences for being married to someone so obviously controlled by Satan.
Memorize at least a dozen non-JW topics to discuss and bring them up in rapid sequence when you need them. If you control the topic of conversation it is much better. When they try to steer the convo back to the biblebabble, abruptly change the subject. Example (for laughs):
Carla: Did you hear about that fire where the 2 people died on Main Street?
JW: Yes. (more conversation about fire)
JW: Makes you wonder why Jehovah would allow bad things to happen.
Carla: Have you tried the new bakery on Elm Street? I swear they have the best donuts I have ever tasted in my life.
(conversation goes on until JW tries to steer it back towards witnessing)
Carla: Excuse me. I think I need to change my tampon.
...which brings me to tip #2. Don't underestimate the power of shock value. In addition to the tampon comment, keep a stockpile of one-liners ready when you need them. This is for use when you get so desperate and have no other options to escape. Giggle a little to let them know you're kidding, but use the break in the conversation to walk away.
- I have gas/diarrhea.
- I have to pee. (such a classy thing to say, LOL)
- I knew I shouldn't have come to this party (gathering). The Ouija told me this morning I'd get in a car accident on the way home.
- Did you hear this place (restaurant) is about to be closed down for health violations?
- I need another cocktail before I go into withdrawal.
- Do you have any chew? I'm dying for a little.
- I better go and check on my daughter. Last time she disappeared like this I found her covering the PO's car with toilet paper.
- Who is that guy in the blue shirt in the corner? I used to date him. We broke up when I had a pregnancy scare.
- Who is that woman in the red sweater? I swear I saw her on the cover of my husband's Playboy once.
Rebel8, beautiful! I'm bookmarking this one.
LOL, I learned this technique with my in-laws and now I use it with my JW mother (the abrupt changing of the subject technique). Works well. You come off like a kid with ADHD who just ate an entire cake and drank a pot of coffee, but it works. It is so confusing to others, they can't keep up. Of course you need to use discretion when using the shock technique, but it is sooo much fun. :)
Carla , you don't have to act like you like them which i think would be easy for you to do ,lol but just smile at them and continue with your other normal guests. I would wear a cross as big as you can find and they will probably avoid you as much as you want to avoid them .
Let me know what happens and if i was a jw ,you and me are the very people i wouldn't want to be trapped in a room with ,,,,,lol
LOL, I learned this technique with my in-laws and now I use it with my JW mother (the abrupt changing of the subject technique). Works well. You come off like a kid with ADHD who just ate an entire cake and drank a pot of coffee, but it works. It is so confusing to others, they can't keep up. Of course you need to use discretion when using the shock technique, but it is sooo much fun. :)
rebel, you are absolutely too much! I love it! I think I'll use the tampon comment next time I need an escape.
rebel8 and/or jgnat... next time either one of you are going to a party with a jw presence.... PLEASE invite me. thank you.
I wanna go too! I wanna go too!! Please??!!
I would LOVE to see that. Plus I am a great instigator, so if you run out of ammunition I can cue you!