Hey Mommie, you gotta stop doing that! Everytime I get a knee jerk 'oh how can anyone believe that drivel' sort of thing, I foind you've already posted.
But yes indeed, it is true, and it is drivel.
Let us examine reknaws logic;
God’s word has been deliberately written with a certain amount of obscurity in it. If it weren’t written down that way then even those who aren’t deserving of such knowledge would be blessed even as much as those who were in fact deserving to know.
As you point out MD, so much for the 'desirous that none are destroyed' shmuck.
You know as well as I do that even humans mimic this same principle sometimes. You’ve heard people say: “I wouldn’t give that so-and-so the time of day!” And why not? Because so-and-so is considered to not deserve even that minor favor.
I thought the creator was meant to be better than us! Well, that made in his image stuff MUST be true then, as god seems to be hypocritical too, and we all know what big fat hypocitites we humans are - even you reknaw (okay, especially you). That would explain as was bought out in a post the other day by bboyneko (?) the contradiction between god telling the Israelites not to punish sons for fathers sins or vica versa, and yet going on at length about punishing children for their fathers errors.
There are many truths throughout the pages of the Bible that persons just have to prove themselves worthy of being privy to understanding them.
Very interesting use of the word 'privy', which kind of makes me even more convinced you're not that start but are just a big old judgemental idiot savant. Privy means private, withdrawn, secret, or 'admitted as one sharing in a secret <privy to the conspiracy' (example from Websters).
As such you seem either to be using the word in a context you did not fully intend, or are admitting that the truth is a secret.
Such an idea smacks of the Gnostics and many other religions where there is some sacred secret - it's a hugely pagan idea. Now you might approve of your Jewish thunder god having special secrets, but I think the idea you are espousing is one far removed from what Jesus taught.
This is even borne out in the 2nd chapter of Proverb, verses 1 thru 6. As in the case with literal gold as a treasure -- it generally takes much digging and hard, dedicated work to discover where it’s at -- so too with the gems buried in the Bible. The person that has no more than just a casual interest, and so therefore is not all that determined and is unwilling to work hard, will not find the treasures that lay waiting to be discovered in the Bible. This has been tried and proven in my own case, so I know it’s the truth because I’ve found some of the Bible’s treasures.
Obscurity clashes with the idea of a god of love desirous of all being saved. Choose. Do you want a secret or do you want a god of love. You can't have both.
As for the treasures you have found in the Bible, your next comments reveal them;
That treasure is there in the Bible. Is it that you are simply too infatuated with relaxation so as to pick up your pick and shovel and find that big hunk of gold? I really find it hard to believe sometimes that others and you here on this board (such as Farkel and AF, for example) have spiraled down to nothing when it comes to appreciation of what the Bible is all about. The root cause of such problems usually has its basis in one of the things mentioned at Matthew 13:3-7. You might pay particular attention to verses10-15, as it goes along with what I was saying above.
The only real treasure for you in the Bible is the fact you use it to inflate your feeling of importance and self-worth and lord it over those you consider lesser than you. You so obviously do not give a flying fuck whether people are saved or not. It's all about YOU and YOUR vanity, so the 'preaching' work you do here is null and void Friday.
So have your violent, decietfull, killer god you sick little man, and I hope you are happy with him. If god is in ANY WAY like you conceptualise him, I can take comfort in the fact he already knows that I think he's an asshole.
If god is like you believe him to be, and there is also a Satan, then Satan is more a freedom fighter than a rebel, and the Bible is just a totalitarian despot's propoganda.
You really need to think this through reknaw...