by badboy 21 Replies latest jw friends
I didn't make many return visits, because I didn't place many magazines.
And if someone took a magazine just to get rid of me, I didn't come back.
Once I remember coming back and making return visits like they told us to, and the only thing that happened was that I was a pain in the a**, and the person told me not to come back anymore.
I always wrote down I did, does that count????
Return visits, to me were like carrying this freakin load on your back, you placed the dumb mags with people, then you had to write their name etc. down, and you were supposed to visit them to pursue a possible bible study with them, if you didn't you were told that if that person missed out on eternal life (becoming a JW) because you didn't return, their blood was on your hands and Jehovah will hold you accountable in the end, talk about mental torture.
I remember every time they brought this up at meetings (the reminders), my consience would be really bothering me, because I hated to go back, for some reason I didn't want to start studies with people, I always thought "what if I do something that makes them not want to become a JW?" like maybe not show up at one of the bible studies, or say something that would turn them off, then I would really fail Jehovah. Yes you can laugh, that's how brainwashed I was then.
IC (of the I can see clearly now class)
I only made return visits™ on people I was interested in talking to again. Sometimes they had no interest in the watchtower, such as a couple of WW2 vets I called on. I'd visit these guys and spend the afternoon listening to their war stories and other experiences. I learned a lot from these guys. I also made it a point to visit any hot women who took the magazines, but that came to an end when I got married. My wife took over those calls™.
Yes, I tried to make return visits and I just hated doing so. Fortunately, usually they weren't home, but when they were they usually told me to f*** off.
but i didnt like it as much
Of course I did. I wanted Bible studies and that was the way to get them.
Most of the time I did, especially if it was a older lonely person who could talk about nothing for a long time. During the winter I could easily spend a hour or so in a nice warm house with a cup of hot coco or a bowl of homemade soup while the others sat in a freezing car. During the summer months I could enjoy a tall glass of iced tea while the others sat in the hot car. All I had to do was mention a scripture or two and I could cound the time, an RV and a mag placement. nice