Sorry to hear that his baptism was precipitate. I left a good/deep/best friend in the 'truth' ( huh... I never eat water chestnuts...), but not before a long drag-out tearing away of our mutual pretensions. I had never believed the 'truth' since at 14yo my brain had hit the minimum critical mass for thinking beyond parents, and he was perfectly straight with me that even if the 'truth' was a chimaera, it was where he belonged - with his wife, with his family, with his circle of associates. Now, this he didn't enunciate, in the way that powerful people know how to say-not-say a thing, but as a male he would have access to huge amounts of power vis a vis underlings per education level we're talking about. So in that evolutionary respect, I cannot fault him as much as if he was staying in it purely out of faith or something non-quantifyable. The _power_ that an elder has over minions has got to be so emotionally immense that it compensates for being a JW in the first place. {Ex-Elders care to correct me? - I'm talking before you're jaded.} Of course, this power is restricted to males, and to those particular females who have access to such males. My friend and his sparky little pioneer wife were on a trajectory for such a dynamic of power, and his decision is fine with me, even though I'll never see him again. I understand and sympathize if this anecdote cannot help, and you're far more human than I am if you try to keep some minimal contact. At 30+ he didn't get baptized because of cognative delusions - it was something deeper in the limbic system, fear of losing human warmth. Some are not leaders, some are not followers.