Rex "The Shining One' Responds At Last

by Nate Merit 25 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Shining One
    Shining One

    Hi Luna,
    Let 'em groan...

  • Shining One
    Shining One

    Your views are not even close to mainstream. They exist in the microcosim of academia that still has influence because it has tenure. That academia is strangling research and unsaved individuals will end up killing the denominations that express their wacko views. You have people who do not believe in God pursuing seminary degrees! Gimme a break. Is it that thrilling to revenge yourself on the JWs by trying to stamp the last beliefs out of impressionable people who have just exited a cult? It seems as if you think that listening to the 'Jesus Seminar' brand of idiocy will keep you from responsibility before God. This bunch are re-writing history! Its 1984 and George Orwell is more of a prophet than people realize.
    You side with 'scholars' who insist that before they even explore theolgy that they must discount any claims to the supernatural. The conclusions follow along those presuppositions. Get some balance to your education and look at the other side a little. You are drawing conclusions 'read into' scripture determined by your own axioms! Liberals and leftists must have that power and will coerce anyone who has a differing opinion into shutting up or being blackballed. You see it in all facets of elitist accademia. Worthless and useless philosophies rule where reason and methodology was once strongest. The new theocracy is Naturalism, at its core are agnostics that ignore the holes in their most holy philosophy: evolution.

  • Narkissos
    This bunch are re-writing history! Its 1984 and George Orwell is more of a prophet than people realize.

    History was always rewritten.

    You side with 'scholars' who insist that before they even explore theolgy that they must discount any claims to the supernatural. The conclusions follow along those presuppositions. Get some balance to your education and look at the other side a little. You are drawing conclusions 'read into' scripture determined by your own axioms! Liberals and leftists must have that power and will coerce anyone who has a differing opinion into shutting up or being blackballed. You see it in all facets of elitist accademia. Worthless and useless philosophies rule where reason and methodology was once strongest. The new theocracy is Naturalism, at its core are agnostics that ignore the holes in their most holy philosophy: evolution.

    As far as I'm concerned you're mistaken. Naturalism was not a starting point for me. I was ready to "believe" in fairies if they were cute. But at some point it occurred to me that "real fairies" wouldn't be that cute. This didn't make me a fairy-hater, quite to the contrary. But I welcome the economical conclusions of "naturalism" as they also preserve the literary realm from the unwarranted intrusion of reality.

    If you really loved God you would help the atheists save Him from "existence".

    (Yes, Rex, I know this is silly. To you.)

  • jgnat

    "Likewise, the Spirit also helpeth our infirmity; for we know not what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God."

  • Shining One
    Shining One

    >Iow, the platform of "original-orthodox-apostolic Christianity" from which you judge others as "heretics" is a foundational myth. Btw, if you discard the Gnostic-like texts from the NT there will be little left of the Trinity (for instance)...

    Myth making takes much more time than the foundation of the gospels. "Gnostic like" does not mean those are 'Gnostic texts'. Any use by heretics after the foundational books were being circulated does not negate the well proven synchronicity fo the teachings of all of the apostles. It only compares to the scripture twistng used by leftist and cultic teachers of any age, including this one. Would it be 'ad hominem' to place you in one or both of these categories? Satan does whatever he can to twist and mislead the valid teachings, then and now.

  • Shining One
    Shining One

    Hi Luna,
    Rudeness is on the eye of the beholder.

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