Well, I think if just more people knew about some of things that have happened, you'd have a lot more leaving. Controlling the information is the most powerful weapon during times of peace and especially times of war. For example, up until a month ago, I had never known about the UN/NGO scandal, or the story behind Raymond Franz. I was at Bethel, but I only heard vague references of the "Great Apostacy" of the 80's. I once heard Lon Schilling (Wallkill 'heavy') mention during Saturday morning worship that they knew apostacy existed even among the "highest ranks of the organization and we couldn't do anything about it" and I was even then doubting he was alluding to the actual GB. I think it is basicaly something they would all rather forget about - even the ones who experienced it all first hand. Of course, I knew about the pedophilia cases - that spread like wildfire - but you have to understand that scandals have no other way of spreading among JW's other than word of mouth. These things are never addressed at the time, directly from the publications. And we certainly would never go "looking" for information to get the scoop, would we? ;)
Either we come across the information by accident and continue to watch/read/listen to it with baited breath, OR we get to the point of actually actively seeking info even though we know we could be considering "apostate" literature. Either way, it is our hunger for the truth that leads us to it - which just happens to be the most damndest ironic thing I have experienced in my life.
If the WTS was totally discredited in the eyes of the JWs
by greendawn 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
2 words:
Stockholm Syndrome.
I pray for that day though.
i'll be there, "told you so" will be the first thing out of my mouth.
Followed by,
and so on -
Either we come across the information by accident and continue to watch/read/listen to it with baited breath, OR we get to the point of actually actively seeking info even though we know we could be considering "apostate" literature. Either way, it is our hunger for the truth that leads us to it - which just happens to be the most damndest ironic thing I have experienced in my life.
Wild, huh?
There are sadly many people in this bOrganization that have given up all ties to the world ie. relatives, freinds, jobs, relationships etc. not to mention many years of servitude, if something BIG happened and they realized that all this is BUNK, I think quite a few of them would commit suicide, others I think would be so enraged that like someone already said, Kingdom Halls would start going up in flames, mass dumping or burning of the garbage literature, and Bethel well lets say it might end up like good old Babylon a pile of rubble. But even at that point I agree that there would be some idiots that would think that Satan and his system is attacking in fullfilment of a prophecy, and probably a small group would keep going.
But I hope I live to see that day .
If a really big scandal happened in the WTS and the R&F realised that the organisation is the big con that it is, how do you think they would react?
First, let me say that it would be very unlikely for all of the R&F to have such a broad awakening. I'm not saying it can't happen, just that the probability is quite low.
However, if it did, I would fear the worst... suicides, psychotic breaks, homicidal rages and more. Those that did not succumb to such things, probably the majority really, would then have years and years of healing ahead, just like most of us have had.
I don`t know what it`s like in the U.S, but at least here in Europe, the significance of the WTS and the GB, is not that important in the mind of JWs. The GB is far away, in a country most (at least the old) JWs have never visited. They know that the WTS-building is in Brooklyn, New York, but they don`t know what that building looks like, or what goes on inside of it. Neither does it matter much to them, not even the elders, who only report in to the HQ in their respective country. The average JWs perception of the WTS is the magasines and books. Nothing more. They know that there is a group of old, very spiritual and wise (lol) guys far away, who calls the shots, but they`re allready confident that these guys are guided by the holy spirit. So no, even if the WTS really messed up, it wouldn`t have much significance for the average JW. Then, at least, it would (whatever "it" would be) have to become a matter of concern and significance to the elders of the local congregations first, or perhaps the country`s HQ. The theocracy of the entire organisation would be of great importance, in a scenario like that.
Funny idea I got: I think that perhaps the "distant" and mystical nature of the WTS is probably the thing that really makes people so loyal to this organisation. Unconsciously, the distant nature of the WTS, takes on the powerful role of God, in the mind og the average JW. After all, the "invisible" all-knowing, supreme, one and distant God in the middle east (whoever he originally was thought to be) beat all the other gods in the middle east, and eventually the entire world. Judaism, Christianity, Islam, no idols of God are allowed. He is distant, powerful, he holds the faith of all mankind in his hands. The distant nature of the monotheist God was, and is, a great asset to this God. So it`s only logical that the distant nature of the WTS works in the same way. I think many people, if they had visited the WTS-building, seen that they are just mortal men, visited the visitiors-toilets (with "afterburners" in the closet and all), perhaps the average JW would see that they are mere mortal men.
They would react the same way OJ Simpson's jury would have reacted if they actually saw a crystal clear videotape of OJ hacking Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman to death with a butcher knife-- they would find some reason to discredit it and deny it and believe that there is no way possible humans like that would be capable of being that evil.
Some would probably leave, but the majority would accept the gb's excuses and stay. Most of them are too brainwashed to think for them selves anyway.
So the overall feel is that they would still refuse to see the truth, however that may also be a denial of reality because they can't bear to think that so much effort was for nothing, 5 hours of meetings per week plus the time to prepare, get there and then get back home, plus the minimum of preaching work, that's at least 12 hours per week for the org. And some had more tasks to accomplish.
Then losing paradise really sacks having to get back to earthly reality with disease, old age, and death being at present inescapable. -
You got it.