Article criticising Mennonites for shunning

by kwintestal 23 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • TopHat

    How will the Mennonites feel if and when they find they have done a wrong to the Watchtower...then find they once again are on the shunning end of another cult?

  • TopHat
    A longtime Witness in North America who grew up in a South American Mennonite colony heard about the families' plight. He had a special desire to help. Within a week, he flew down to Bolivia to visit them. In addition to providing much spiritual encouragement, he helped the families to buy their own pickup truck so that they could get to meetings at the Kingdom Hall and also get their farm products to market.

    More than likely he had a special desire and saw an opportunity for investment.

  • Sunspot

    ***"So as to keep us under their control, the preachers don't let us learn Spanish," commented one colony resident.

    Substitute "Spanish" with "going on the internet",or "going to college" and even "sending a Mother's Day card". Compare THAT control.

    ***Many feel oppressed and live in dread of being expelled from the community--a terrible prospect for one who has never experienced life outside.

    Total shunning of ALL one's family and friends is even worse.

    ***Before he died, Johann told his wife and children: "You must always read The Watchtower. It will help you to understand the Bible." I believe THAT. Can't prove it though---old Johan be as dead as those Boyz-in-Writing be imperfect.

    ***The next day, the missionaries went to visit their new friends in the colony.

    Oh, PLEASE! Since WHEN does any JW consider a return visit as "a new friend?" This IS total crap.

    ***It was a memorable day, but a storm of trouble was brewing. They were about to face trials, just as Menno Simons had when he began his search for Bible truth nearly five centuries ago.

    Yep, Satan the debil has been put on notice that more folks are being sucked into the EVIL WTS CULT, so the JWs GOTTA warn their NEW FRIENDS that SATAN IS OUT TO GET'EM!!!!!

    ***How did the elders react? They expelled them for studying the Bible! This was a cruel blow indeed. [snip for brevity]

    GASP! Why.....the WTS would NEVER DO ANYTHING LIKE THAT!!! (Just try going to a church to attend a non-JW family wedding) The WTS is such LYING AND DECEPTIVE HYPOCRITES!! Gimmee a break!

    ***they had never before heard anyone pray in their behalf. The men had tears in their eyes.

    They were most likely CRYING because of hearing JEHOVAH we pray and JEHOVAH bless us and JEHOVAH we are your servants and JEHOVAH we thank you that we are listening to the men who claim to speak for you and JEHOVAH we ask you to keep us JWs safe and screw the rest of this evil world, and JEHOVAH, JEHOVAH, JEHOVAH we need to say your name JEHOVAH like a mantra JEHOVAH.....and I almost forgot to quickly throw in---"in Jesus name Amen"....(just to appear to be a"christian religion" and not a soul-sucking book publishing empire.

    ***On October 12, 2001, less than a year after that first visit to the missionary home, 11 of these former Anabaptists were baptized again, this time in symbol of their dedication to Jehovah.

    What a shame! Eleven more nice folks swallowed up by this disgusting and mindrobbing CULT.

    ***"Since we have learned the truth from the Bible, we feel like slaves who have been set free."

    Just WAIT until they have waited for the promise of this CULT to happen....after years and years and years and years.......and when they see that the "love" OR the Witchtower Babble and Trick Sassiety isn't anything LIKE they were duped into believing it was.

    Can we re-visit these eleven in a few years ( or even a few months) to see just how "devoted" they are after being IN IT a while?

    edited to add.....I have recently gotten emails that I am bitter, nasty and hateful to the WTS.

    Ya THINK??????????

  • Gill

    Sunspot!! You're too cool!

    As for being bitter with the WTBTS, what's wrong with that?!

    When I first read this article on the Mennonites in July, it took my breath away. I pointed it out to my parents and they had nothing to say about it. They could not see the hypocrisy, and if they did, they were not going to admit it!

  • Enigma One
    Enigma One

    You've got to be kidding me? What a bunch of hypocrites! Makes me sick. However, I think I will bring this up to my parents on their next visit. Of course they will likey "not get it" either as someone above mentioned. I hate religion.

  • upside/down

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    The Amish practice of shunning--avoiding a former member in every way possible, excluding that person from both the church and community--is considered a means of guarding the Amish culture.

    The idea behind shunning is based on Matthew 18:15-17: "If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you . . . But if he will not listen, take one or two others along . . .. If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, treat him as you would a pagan or a tax collector." Other references are
    1 Corinthians 5:11 and Romans 16:17.

    Mennonites today do not practice shunning, though it is still practiced by the Amish church in some communities. In fact, the issue was one of the main reasons the Amish began as a split-off sect of the Mennonites in the late 17th century.

  • Sunspot
    Mennonites today do not practice shunning, though it is still practiced by the Amish church in some communities. In fact, the issue was one of the main reasons the Amish began as a split-off sect of the Mennonites in the late 17th century.


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    There is more about the history of the split and shunning at

    There is something very fishy about this WT article.



    Thanks for bringing up this subject.

    Many feel oppressed and live in dread of being expelled from the community--a terrible prospect for one who has never experienced life outside.

    JWs hold the threat of expulsion over the heads of their flock, as well – it is a high-control, fear-based, punishing belief system. Easily identifiable as such!

    A few days later, the church elders came to the home of Johann's family with an ultimatum for the interested ones: "We heard that Jehovah's Witnesses visited you. You must forbid them to return, and unless you hand over their literature to be burned, you face expulsion."

    Threats and intimidation. It’s what the jws do, too. Fear keeps the spirit and free will chained.

    How did the elders react? They expelled them for studying the Bible! This was a cruel blow indeed.

    JW elders call exploring another religion Apostasy. Interesting double standard…And declared a judgment against the Mennonites for the exact same thing that the JWs do.

    "Since we have learned the truth from the Bible, we feel like slaves who have been set free." Another said: "Many Mennonites complain about a lack of love in their community. …." If you are searching for a better understanding of the truth from the Bible, you too may face difficulties.

    Many jws complain about the lack of love in their organization, too. If some path that we find ourselves on no longer serves our highest and best interests, it is time to move on. I know I certainly feel free since leaving the antiquated, punishing belief system of the jws!!!

    JWs think they are being persecuted, yet their own belief system is what is punishing them.

    Many people who were raised in a high-control, fear-based environment continue going back to a similar environment until they realize they are free to break that unhealthy repeating pattern—and find real freedom in a self-empowering, loving environment. It is comparable to a woman who keeps choosing abusive men over and over again. Very disempowering. Same with abusive religion and its adherents.


    Thanks for sharing this article with us. I sure didn’t recognize that pattern of fear and control when I was a dub. Nice to now be able to identify the pattern and choose health.

    Love and light,


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