New Light! “Invisible Armageddon!”

by jstalin 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • claytoncapeletti

    Now I am confused Am living in an invisible paradise or are the wild beast of the land invisiblily eating my carcass?

    Since there is no "proof" that the invisible armageddon has not happened, it must be true. Just look at the world around you, an invisible armageddon is the only explanation for the increase war, proverty and of course all these hurricanes.

    The whole armageddon thing is such a joke, religion is truly nothing more than a "racket and a snare".

    In my humble opinion of course


    "Brothers dont shake hands, they got to hug"

  • atypical

    In case any of you missed it, Homer figured out the end of the world on an episode of the Simpsons. Every time I see it I wonder if it is a jab at the witnesses, and if so it is hilarious. He puts together a ton of numbers on an erasable board, complete with 144,00, then subtracts the number of Filipinos in the bible (0) and comes up with a date. One of the funniest things I have ever seen!

    Hey, mr. FDS(Brownboy, EliJah, Leuese(sp?)) I am glad to see you posting. Life is less interesting without you!

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    And to think - it happened during my lifetime - how cool is that?

    What's the proper f-stop for invisible events? Flash or no flash? Color neg or slide film?

    Are there any professional photographers of non-events out there?

  • Nate Merit
    Nate Merit

    It's a good thing you posted this. Now the GB can steal your humorous idea and turn it into an actual doctrine!

    What's next? Invisible baptism? Invisible field service? Invisible meetings at invisible Kingdom Halls?

    I LIKE IT!


  • joannadandy

    So when do I get my invisible tiger in the invisible new system?

  • joannadandy
    Invisible field service?

    Please - witnesses have been doing that for years...I fudged my time card all the time!

  • tetrapod.sapien

    LOL jstalin! nice write-up.


  • fairchild
    I've thought for a long time that converting armagedon from a literal to a spiritual event is the only way for them to get this monkey off their back. Every year that goes by makes the prediction look stupider.

    Yes, I have thought of that as well at times.. *runs to basement*

  • Honesty
  • Ianone

    LMAO@invisible armegeddon....they are just plain bad at lying...good thing their members are walking free thinking individual would buy into the psy-op job.

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