Is it possible for the WT society to ever convince us of true reform?

by james_woods 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • james_woods

    I got to thinking about this and for me anyway, they would have to come clean on at least the following things:

    An honest retraction must be made on ALL the ridiculous chronology (of course including the false prophecies). By this I mean, stop this psuedo numerology stuff of adding up this or that date, adding on X many years, etc. and then coming up with "end of the Gentile times", "reign of Christ", etc. Admit that a lot of this got copied from previously flawed logic from the Adventists in the 19th century, and come clean on the fact that Russel himself was a pretty whacked out pyramid chronologist. I think the friends deserve the (real) truth that NONE of these dates was ever based on any kind of logic at all, let alone inspiration. HINT - do like R. Franz did and check out the historical basis of even your starting point (as if the tortured logic to follow would ever work if you HAD the right starting point!).

    Second, give up on trying to convince everybody that you have divine inspiration. The facts are that the society (GB or whatever) has had to CHANGE THEIR STORY too many times for this to hold water at all. This would lay the basis to let go of a lot of really silly beliefs...HINT - remember that at the time Rutherford thought up the [great crowd] you were building a house in SoCal for Daniel and the other men of old! Isn't it a little arrogant to think YOU are of the "144000" but not most of the historical bible writers?

    Third, quit giving out "divine direction" on things that are up to individual conscience. Lets face it, smoking may be bad for your health, but it is not "demonism", or hard drugs, nor is it addressed in the scripture. Neither is the idea that vaccinication is wrong, nor is the concept of blood transfusion as a medical procedure. Further, as I see it, there is not much said on a christians relation to the government beyond having decent respect for proper laws and using your own good sense. HINT - remember how you guys wrote that people who went to prison over the draft just did it out of their own conscience and not because you told them to? That is a lie, but maybe you SHOULD have left it up to their conscience.

    There are certainly many more items worth a mention, but aren't just these three such a heavy burden that WT will almost certainly never get them through the gate?

    Just my random thoughts on what it might take to get this org back on track...


  • minimus

    It NEVER was on track. The religion was bogus from the beginning.

  • jstalin

    Doing all those things would essentially end the organization. What would the point of the GB be? WTS has entered the mode of being self-perpetuating at all cost.

  • mrsjones5

    that will never never ever happen...and even if it did I would never trust them

  • metatron

    If you read the latest book , "What The Bible Really Teaches" and the new dictates about going to college, you can see

    that any moves towards reform are over. Cold hearted Nazi types like Jaracz run the show and nothing's going to change.

    Talking about "new truth" is a thing of the past because that was just a policy based on Fred Franz's authority. With him

    gone, no one is left in the collective corporate WTS structure that has the gravitas to change anything. Whatever nonsense

    has been printed, they're stuck with.


  • daystar

    Even if they could, I would not care. As far as I'm concerned, they have born false witness before YHVH, spoke false doctrine, enslaved man, and destroyed the lives and families of too many. There will never be any forgiveness from this one.

  • TopHat
    There are certainly many more items worth a mention, but aren't just these three such a heavy burden that WT will almost certainly never get them through the gate?

    It would be easier for them to go threw the eye of a needle than to give up all that they have and start over.

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    It NEVER was on track. The religion was bogus from the beginning. Minimus is right. It was built on a foundation of lies it can't be reformed. Also if you took everything that was wrong there wouldn't be anything recognizable left.

  • dedpoet

    Nice thoughts, James, but I can't see any of them becoming reality. The wt would implode if that happened.

    Even if they did reform, I still wouldn't trust them, or forgive them, they did too much to me and many others for that.

  • yaddayadda

    Where do u start?

    They need to reform: The 2 witness rule re child abuse allegations; their blood policy; their disfellowshipping policy; the amount of power and control the GB has; how they spend their countless millions.

    They need to totally drop: The whole 1914 thing; some meetings per week; field service reports and 'door-to-door' style preaching; the Awake magazine; constantly saying the end of this system is near.

    After all of the above they might just start to resemble something more akin to first century christianity IMHO.

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