Cult Comparison Chart
by Lady Lee 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Oh good heavens! That didn't come out right! The editor trashed my HTML table! It was just a smart-ass post anyway, with "Atheism" listed as a religion and "none" in all the little boxes. We now return you to the reasonable discussion, already in progress... Dave
Lady Lee
I tried just a copy of the chart and it got all messed up too. So I had to imbed the page.
I thought it might be interesting to compare. It seems most Christain religions don't consider JW Christian. No surprise to any of us though I think
Hello LL!
I've tried to call you, but no answer. You don't have caller-ID-block, do ya? LOL
Anyway, I've got a similar chart, that I'll try to post up tomorrow.
Funny thing is that Christian Aplogogetics group probably would have to add Catholicism to the 'cult' section since they have saints, the priest bringing Jesus back down upon the altar , transubstantiation, rosary, the adoration of Mary etc..
Then they'd have to add the Born agains who believe in seperate beings not a trinity of one, the BAs who disagree on Jesus' origin and current state and the BAs who believe baptism is essential (i.e. a work)
Now that they've whittled them down they should throw in the Eastern Orthodox christians (wouldn't be fair on the Catholics if they didn't), Ba'Hais (sorry - too lazy to look up the correct spelling Carmel!), old style Methodists (who used to be looking for a restoration of truth), Plymouth Brethren, Quakers, Amish, Salvation Army (no sacraments such as baptism), Exclusive Brethren, Church of Scotland.
I'd suggest they consider tele-evangelists (and their followers) a cult since they are 'personalities' who lead people around, quote scriptures loudly , often repeating the same word again and again, ask for shed loads of cash, live opulent lifestyles and generally disobey several 'christian' principles (though shalt not preach for money nor shalt though commit adultery especially while still preaching.)
I'm also a little wary about some modern born again habits of rolling around on the floor, getting hysterical, trancelike worship states etc..
Aw heck let's just call all christians a cult. -
Aw heck let's just call all christians a cult.
ya? and?
Yea I know T. you already do..
It seems most Christain religions don't consider JW Christian. No surprise to any of us though I think. Lady Lee
According to the FDS, JW's are the only true yada yada yada blah blah blah
On a more specific JW level, I compiled a list of WT quotes based on Hassan's BITE model:
(I have updated it significantly since that was originally posted. PM me if you want the latest version.)
with the exception of the spiritual parts of the list our schools fit in quite nicely to that cult model.