I try to obtain every interlinear translation available. But I find most Interlinears of little use except three of them. The following three Interlinears I like:
Kingdom Interlinear
Word Study Greek-English NT, by Paul R. McReynolds
Concordant Greek Text
Why? Because the translators try hard to be true to the grammatical structure of the Greek Text, are fairly consistent, and show subltle nuances of words. Simpler said than done! In the end, they are quite useful.
Most others are a mess. The translators of the other Interlinears do not always place the English equivalent rendering under the Greek words. They omit translating words not necessary in English, and add words when the Greek is not clear. Some may say: "But that is how a true translation works." Yes, an no!
We have hundreds of versions that attempt to convey the overall meaning of the original, and most do that well. But an interlinear is different. They are expected to convey in English what the Greek Text does say, literally. By nature, an interlinear is supposed to be more discriminating in renditions, and pay closer attention to precision and subleties. Interlinears are not supposed to be paraphrases, but some interlinears are just loose translations showing the Greek Text, and not precisely.
The Mounce Interlinear is needlessly complicated. The CGT is complicated, but careful in the translation work. The best two overall, in my opinion, are the KI and McReynolds. Of course, I realize that that is a personal choice. I am sure others will choose Alfred Marshall's, Philip Comfort's, or some other Interlinears as top choices. And that is fine with me. Anyways, people normally end up making their translation choices based on theological preferences, and that, over true accuracy.