G'day all!
So owyergoin' this fine weekend?
Down here, underneath the world, we've had a strange week weatherwise; from heatwave to 'sheets back on the bed' weather. It should settle into summer very soon.
Me? Been trying those screw-top bottles of wine we spoke of earlier in the week. I still don't like them - or maybe it's the wine I've been drinking. Even Mrs Ozzie turned up her nose at the red last night! Too thin for her - she likes a full body!!
Other than that, a couple of concerts this week and now it should be a day for .....rest and friends and....who knows?
So, what shall we reminisce about this week?
This weekend's poll question is:
Why did you believe in 1914?
1. They told me, so it must be true!
2. Trust in the F&DS.
3. I could actually work it out!
4. Well, it's right ------------ isn't it?
5. I still believe it.
6. I learned the Reasoning book off by heart.
7. The person who studied with me told me.
8. The fulfillment of bible prophecy.
9. If it's in the Reasoning book, it must be true!
10. Dunno
11. Other (please detail)
So waddayareckon? Give it a thought while you enjoy a good drink and let us know your thoughts.
Enjoy the reminiscing.
Cheers, Ozzie