So, Why are YOU mad at the WTS?

by Seeker4 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Seeker4

    I've been thinking about this for a few days. I'm pissed at the WTS, but not like bitter or vengeful, but more like the "I'm sick and tired of it and I'm just not going to take it anymore!" kind of pissed. Like the righteous indignation I feel when dealing with creationists or racists.

    Now, some folks seem to be able to leave and still think the Witnesses are just great. While I still love a ton of people who are there, the Organization is what makes me angry, like I want to slap it up side the head and tell it to wise up, for Christ's sake!

    I think these are the main reasons why I have that feeling:

    1. WTS arrogance and its total lack of humility when looking at its own record. Despite the mountain of evidence to the contrary, the Society still refers to itself as God's spokesman. All the mistakes and bizarre teachings of the past, the dates that failed, the changes in blood policy, transplants and all - it's as though none of it happened. Changes are viewed as God's spirit operating on them instead of fixing former screwups. The kings of spin!

    2. WTS dishonesty. The unethical journalism of the Society, especially in books like Life - How Did It Get Here?, just burn me. When the NY Times was caught with writers who did what the WTS writers have done, they publicly came clean. Not the WTS. They just keep publishing the same unethical literature and throw an occasional quote in the Awake! from some middle school science teacher who uses it in class because of its "balanced" approach. Sure.

    3. WTS ingnorance. Statements - in recent years - have been made by the Society about women, evolution, science, homosexuality, sex, people who leave the Witnesses, sexual abuse, and more that are just ludicrous.

    4. The WTS's propensity to blame the rank-and-file when it changes what it taught in the past. Like when the friends were blamed for putting too much emphasis on 1975. In fact, that used to rankle a lot of the elders I worked with when I was an active Witness. As one fellow elder told me after a WT study of some change or other, "Here's the new teaching, and how come you idiots ever believed anything else!"

    Those are my chief complaints. It's like talking with a really arrogant co-worker, who makes all sorts of definite statements, but is just dumb as hell and can't see it.

    Anyone else feel like ranting?


  • fairchild
    Why are YOU mad at the WTS?

    Because they give millions of people false hope.

  • candidlynuts

    The WTS's propensity to blame the rank-and-file when it changes what it taught in the past. Like when the friends were blamed for putting too much emphasis on 1975. In fact, that used to rankle a lot of the elders I worked with when I was an active Witness. As one fellow elder told me after a WT study of some change or other, "Here's the new teaching, and how come you idiots ever believed anything else!"

    thats the one.. also because they change the wording of older watchtower articles when they added them to the cd's. if its the "truth" when they printed it, why change it? oh yeah..cuz the articles said " BEFORE THE END OF THE 20th CENTURTY THE END WILL BE HERE" and they changed it to what? " IN THE NEAR FUTURE" or something like that.

  • MerryMagdalene
    Why are YOU mad at the WTS?

    They hurt people I love through their sheer bl**dymindedness.


  • AuldSoul

    They're leading my wife captive.

  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh
    4. The WTS's propensity to blame the rank-and-file when it changes what it taught in the past.

    This is an excellent point. They have been so sucessful at doing this that the drones will now defend the WBTS when they feel it's being attacked. They'll say "Its not a perfect organization" or "the organization is run by imperfect men." This is all just utter BS and is a direct result of the WBTS blaming the R&F for their failures.

    When I was a young child growing up in the "truth" you would have never heard a JW make such claimes. Now it seems that those are universal expressions that almost every active JW has been trained to spew forth.

  • Kaput
    Why are YOU mad at the WTS?

    Because they exist.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee
    Why are YOU mad at the WTS?

    Let me count the ways

    1. Because they fail to honor the real truth
    2. Their shunning policy hurts families
    3. They prefer to sweep the real truth under the carpet to protect their reputation (not that it's that good to begin with
    4. They protect pedophiles and punish the victims for speaking about the abuse
    5. They claim to follow Christ's example of love and forgiveness but fail to do so in practice
    6. They manipulate people until they are no longer useful and then disgard them
    7. They stand in the place of Christ saying that the only way to salvation is through them
    8. They alter and twist the scriptures to say things that it doesn't say and was never meant to say
    9. They claim to be the present-day prophets of God but in over 100 years not one prophesy has come true
    10. Instead of making people stronger they treat them like disobedient children to must ask permission to do normal things like go to their child's or grandchild's wedding
    11. They fail to realize that children have different needs and sitting for 2 hours or whole days listening to mind-numbing talks is unreasonable and abusive
    12. They constantly lie, lie, lie and I just hate liars

    Ok that's my start

  • IP_SEC

    Im not mad at anyone. I wish the org would die, I would do it in myself if I could, but I'm not wasting time hating or being mad.



  • Soledad

    Because they took my childhood and teen years away from me

    Because they made me believe that my father, my other siblings and my whole family would die at the hands of a spiteful god if they didn't believe what I believed

    Because they prey upon those who lack education and with low self esteem

    Because they are psychologically abusive and coersive

    Because they destroy our dignity and self worth

    Because they harbor pedophiles and let people die from lack of blood

    Because they encourage physical abuse of children

    Because they drain all the life out of us and make us into cold heartless robots

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