I always had a hard time as a Witness, accepting their view on death. I actually think they offer a sad view on death that leaves an empty and depressing view for those left behind. I remember the comments, "they are asleep now," all so well. Yet that never really fit, as people sleeping are alive and dreaming and their idea was really summed up in, "they are nothing now and know nothing now." Which would have been a little harder to swallow for those people mourning. I personally have had experiences with spirits, in which I saw things I could not discount as demons. My spouse was with me and saw it to, and we have experienced it more then once, and frankly I was not asking for the experience at the time and was not dwelling on the desire at the time, it just happened. So I believe their is more to death, then that "their sleeping" past.
My actual belief in death is that we leave the physical body and rejoin spiritual energy and some do have a hard time crossing. Maybe they died in a violent way, had serious regrets left behind, or they belonged to a religion that told them the what happened at their death would not happen and they sit for a time in denial or trying to get messages to those left behind to not make their same mistake. Yet, it is frustrating as those left behind are trained to ignore them and their signs, and if they did notice something they would think "demons." I believe that in time some of the energies that were relatives connect with those left behind again, to offer comfort or to see a momentous event in their life or maybe even greet them at their own death. For the most part, I think they stay away from the physical and move on for the most part. In time, I think those energies move to other levels of existence and some return to live another life. I know my belief system is not new and very eastern religion and pagan, but in all honesty, it makes more sense then saying they are all nothing and dead and on some computer chip in God's laptop computer, waiting to be rebooted.
What do you think, are their ghost, spirits or are they all just dirt?