Ghost, Spirits and the Dead

by free2beme 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2beme

    I always had a hard time as a Witness, accepting their view on death. I actually think they offer a sad view on death that leaves an empty and depressing view for those left behind. I remember the comments, "they are asleep now," all so well. Yet that never really fit, as people sleeping are alive and dreaming and their idea was really summed up in, "they are nothing now and know nothing now." Which would have been a little harder to swallow for those people mourning. I personally have had experiences with spirits, in which I saw things I could not discount as demons. My spouse was with me and saw it to, and we have experienced it more then once, and frankly I was not asking for the experience at the time and was not dwelling on the desire at the time, it just happened. So I believe their is more to death, then that "their sleeping" past.

    My actual belief in death is that we leave the physical body and rejoin spiritual energy and some do have a hard time crossing. Maybe they died in a violent way, had serious regrets left behind, or they belonged to a religion that told them the what happened at their death would not happen and they sit for a time in denial or trying to get messages to those left behind to not make their same mistake. Yet, it is frustrating as those left behind are trained to ignore them and their signs, and if they did notice something they would think "demons." I believe that in time some of the energies that were relatives connect with those left behind again, to offer comfort or to see a momentous event in their life or maybe even greet them at their own death. For the most part, I think they stay away from the physical and move on for the most part. In time, I think those energies move to other levels of existence and some return to live another life. I know my belief system is not new and very eastern religion and pagan, but in all honesty, it makes more sense then saying they are all nothing and dead and on some computer chip in God's laptop computer, waiting to be rebooted.

    What do you think, are their ghost, spirits or are they all just dirt?

  • MsMcDucket

    I think that the dead no nothing. They're dirt; and I don't believe in eternal life. This is it! Use it well!

  • Satanus

    I see it that way too, almost exactly. I got it mostly from my own experiments in meditation, not from reading eastern religion. My main instruction for meditation came from a psychologist (psychiatrist?) lawerence leshan who wrote 2 books on it. But, i'm not going to try to prove anything to anybody.



    I do believe that there is another we get there, if we get there, or when we get there is the $20 million dollar question. I guess I'll just wait and see...there really isn't much of an option. I don't SEE enough evidence to believe it is a "crossing over" problem...I know that some will disagree with that statement, but in all honesty, it could just be another illusion. It just seems to me that if it were a dead loved one, then they would do more things for the people they left behind. I don't want to believe something is true only to find out later that I was deceived! Again! I'm sure that if there are con artists here there are con artists in the spirit realm....especially when you hear about the mean tricks that they can play on people. I do know that there are too many sightings of apparitions by so many people as to deny that there is another realm.


  • ICBehindtheCurtain

    I truly believe we go on after death to the spirit realm, but that's just my opinion, everyone is free to believe whatever they want.


  • Undecided

    When do you get this spirit part of yourself? The way the body works depends entirely on physical things, the brain, nerves, food, blood, oxygen. I just can't see that we have some extra something that is alive apart from the body. If there is something I quess we will have to wait until we are dead to know or not know if we are really dead. Do animals have some spirit too? They seem to work just like humans.

    Ken P.

  • Satanus


    When do you get this spirit part of yourself? The way the body works depends entirely on physical things, the brain, nerves, food, blood, oxygen.

    To me, it seems that the spirit is basically along for the meat ride. It doesn't get scared, doesn't worry, etc. It's just there for the experience. It can be accessed, though. But, you have got to learn how to relax the body, tune out it's signals, and quiten the mind to the point where thoughts stop. Once you do that, let me know what you see

    The answer to your first question, from what i have read, is that it starts checking in before conception. Implantation of the egg seems to be the big spirit anchoring event. After that, it's a oneway trip to the other end.


  • Satanus


    Oops, missed your other question.

    Do animals have some spirit too?

    Yup, can't prove it, though. People who are into this see it as spirit evolution. Spirits that want in start at the lowest levels. Heck, there is a lot involved in living a life, even animal. Human is the most challenging. Ever wonder why so many peoples' lives are so out of wack?? So, they start at the bottom, where most stuff runs off the body's instincts.


  • freedom96

    I grew up in a home that had a ghost. There is much more to life as we know it, and I don't feel the need to have it all answered now. I know what my family saw and experienced, and that was real.

  • JamesThomas
    My actual belief in death is that we leave the physical body and rejoin spiritual energy

    Who is this "we"???

    Beyond the mental-fabricated story of a me, is there anyone home??? Is there actually some one, some individual, who can "rejoin"???

    There is Existence, no doubt (call it "spiritual energy" if you like); but has this intimate sense of existence, life, or spiritual energy been investigated deeply enough to see if there really is separation?

    Could it be that all phenomena is actually inseparable and unbroken manifestations of the Whole? A Wholeness and Completeness that is what you really are, rather than the broken shard of existence believed to be?

    All phenomena that is born, will die. But what is it that is not a thing? What, looks out these eyes?



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