If 'Intelligent Design" Is True, Why So Many Lies?

by Nate Merit 47 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Qcmbr

    Nate - I guess I'll tag you with the other people who lather their responses with subtle and not so subtle put downs. You can cast all the aspertions you like on my 'little God' and your desire to educate through mockery. Forgie me if I don't listen to your domed world.

  • Nate Merit
    Nate Merit

    Hello Qcmbr

    That was certainly an odd statement. I did not subtly insult you. I insulted you quite openly, in response to your having publically proclaimed yourself closed to facts and logic and evidence, preferring a comforting fantasy to reality.

    No, it is you that lives in a domed world Q. I prefer the real one with no limits.

    Yours not in fundy fantasy,

  • Qcmbr

    It strikes me Nate that you set yourself up as a teacher, plug your book, back yourself up with your own knowledge and yet you seem happy to be nasty to your 'audience'. I see right through you.

  • Nate Merit
    Nate Merit

    My my Q !

    You wrote:

    "It strikes me Nate that you set yourself up as a teacher, plug your book, back yourself up with your own knowledge and yet you seem happy to be nasty to your 'audience'. I see right through you."

    The rabid hamster Q isn't happy with the corner he has backed himself into? You sir, are the one who responded of your own free will to my post. No one forced you. You responded by revealing that you prefer fantasy to reality. I did not wring that bizarre confession out of you.

    What were you expecting me to do when you post in such a provocative manner, even INVITING me to call you a moron and stupid? Tell me Q, please, exactly what sort of a reply were you hoping such a post would elicit? Surely you aren't going to tell me you expected me to pat you on the back and say "Well done!" were you? Of course not. So, there is more than a wee bit of theater in your latest response in which you portray me as a villain and yourself as a martyr.

    Put a sock in it Q. You aren't a martyr, merely a bit foolish. If you do not wish me to be nasty, kindly refrain from revealing to me the intimate details of mental mechanics.' However, if you bother to actually read my response to you, you will see that I refrained from accepting your open invitation to call you a moron. Rather, I made it plain that I realize you are quite intelligent and educated, and your problem was a matter of your Will. So, your insults to me in this latest post are simply more proof you walked into this hoping to be 'martyred.'

    I refuse to play your assinine game Q. You're an intelligent educated adult so get your **** together.

    I have not set myself up as a teacher. Kindly cut and paste the post I made setting myself up as a teacher. I have not. Your charge is empty.

    I back myself up with my own knowledge? That's bad? Q, you need help in finally breaking free of the JW mindset wherein you were taught to defer to authority figures who will think for you.

    In my post I did not dot appeal to my own authority, but to your own intelligence. Look at it again, Q. Both you and Rex accuse me, in a knee-jerk fashion, of appealing to my own authority when in fact I appeal to my readers to use their own intelligence.

    I see right through you, Q. You are passive aggressive with a martyr complex. No, a martyr wish. When I am aggressive I am openly so.

    Grow up little one.

  • Nate Merit
    Nate Merit

    I hate to have to continue to point out your factual errors, lies, and acts of insipidity, however it was not I who posted the cover and intro to Jehovah Unmasked here. Someone else did. So kindly quite beating that dead horse and find something else to do.

  • Shining One
    Shining One

    Hi Nate,

    >If True Why So Many Lies ?

    If intelligent design is true then it is true regarless of the motives of some of the adherents. If it is true it will be shown by the scientific evidence and not by the attitudes of those who support or oppose it. Your post is an exercise in genetic fallacy.

  • Nate Merit
    Nate Merit

    Hi Nate,
    >If True Why So Many Lies ?

    If intelligent design is true then it is true regarless of the motives of some of the adherents. If it is true it will be shown by the scientific evidence and not by the attitudes of those who support or oppose it. Your post is an exercise in genetic fallacy.


    Rex, once again that Great Brain of yours failed you. The point of my ORIGINAL post was about LYING. "Lying for the truth." Do you remember that Rex? As JW's we lied for the truth, just as fundiots such as yourself do. The ID folks LIED and said their motives were not religious. I wasn't arguing the truth or falsity of ID in my original post. I merely pointed out their lies and asked, in effect, if these people have the truth why do they have to lie for the truth? Do the ends justify the means? That seems, in my experience with fundiots such as yourself, to be the case.

    Rex, I am a truthful man. I love facts, truth, reality. So I need to be truthful with you and tell you I dislike you intensely and hold you and your ilk in complete and utter contempt. I come by my attitudes via actual real-life experience with fundiots such as yourself. Fundiots are the worst people I have ever known. Lying, back-stabbing, hypocritical two-faced SOBs. You know why Rex? Because you think your actions don't matter. Fundiots such as yourself believe you can be the biggest A-holes in the universe but God pays it no mind because you're holding a cardboard cut-out of Jesus in front of yourself and so God sees 'Jesus' and not you and your actions. (Thats a quickie illustration of the doctrine of Justification by Faith)

    Fundiots are ignorant, full of nothing but delusions and nonsense, yet seek to be taken seriously by intelligent educated people. It doesn't work that way Rex. You have to become educated for educated people to take you seriously. You have to fiill that brain of yours with something other than fundiot lies, half-truths, misrepresentations, and false information borne of ignorance...which is itself borne of a lazy arrogance.

    I tell the truth unless I'm pulling a joke on someone. When I dont know something I say so. I don't pontificate about matters I'm ignorant of. I don't walk around thinking I have God or Jesus in my hip pocket. You are the opposite. You only tell the truth when you can't find a convenient lie. You pontificate and argue about things you are absurdly ignorant of. You walk around thinking you have God in your hip pocket (thats a figure of speech Rexie, not a literalism).

    You learn a few stock phrases such as "genetic fallacy" and wait until you see an oportunity to jump in and use it. You think it makes you look intelligent, witty, and sharp. It simply makes you look pathetic because you don't even know how to properly use the sad little bag of tricks you have.

    Fundiots only read materials that support their fundiot views. You have NEVER read a book by evolutionists that destroy your ID arguments (which is just a sneaky new term for 'scientific creationism" an oxymoron if there ever was one). You never will read such a book because you are a fundiot, and as a fundiot you are unconcerned with facts, truth, reality. You already have The Answers by quoting Bible verses, so you think. Your mind is made up and you're not about to be confused by the facts. Fundiots yammer about 'science' yet they dont even understand the scientific method. Perhaps thats because you believe that finding facts is a matter of looking it up in the Bible, not via research.

    Go away Rex and have a circle-jerk with your fellow fundiot fools.

  • Nate Merit
    Nate Merit

    Stop waiting, like a coward, until my posts are gone from the main page before you reply. Be a man Rex. Be a sining one. M'k?

  • AlanF

    Christian apologists such as Qcmbr and Rex show in a completely unambiguous way why fundamentalists of all sorts are an embarassment to reasonable defenders of religion. It really doesn't matter what religion we're talking about -- Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Bhuddism, Hinduism, etc, in all their multitudinous forms -- the Fundy adherents are all the same: "We're right; everyone else is wrong; everyone else will die for not believing as we do. If you're wrong, tough luck."

    James Penton had it right when he said that JW and Christian Fundamentalists are pups from the same bitch.


  • skinnyboy

    If they are so intent on proving it, why lie about it?

    Its so simple.

    Theory one: Intelligent Design (as i see it) A power (not god) created all we see in nature.

    Theory Two : Creationism - God created all we see in Nature

    Theory Three: Evolution - After the Big Bang, everything started evolving to todays present.

    At least the scientific community say its a theory and don't try to hide behind it with pseudo science.

    If you want to teach ID/Creationism, leave it to Religious Studies. Or we can all start worshipping the Flying Spaghetti Monster!


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