How about a survey?

by AhHah 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • waiting

    Hey Red,

    You have no idea how much nastier I would be if I were not a Catholic. Without supernatural aid I would hardly be a human being. Evelyn Waugh

    You are not an agnostic, Paddy. You are just a fat slob who is too lazy to go to Mass. Conor Cruise O'Brien

    All this fuss about women priests. Most of them look like men anyway and the male priests have been wearing dresses for years. If they had kept quiet about it, nobody would have noticed the difference. Warren Mitchell

    I just love the Catholic quotes. They're so funny and mean. I was raised an Irish Catholic - could explain a lot of things, eh?

    I was a secretary for many years - now I occasionally hire one - but they irritate me, they never know how to find anything they've filed - and I still have to get my own coffee for some reason......


    Oh, and one for my current past religion:

    If you cross an agnostic with a Jehovah Witness, you get a fellow who knocks on your door for no particular reason.

    Catholics are more fun - have had centuries to hone their sarcastic remarks.

  • Carmel

    Waiting you old bag!

    What's and Irish Catholic, one that does whiskey and biscuit rather than wine?

    There should be a compendium of quotes about JW's we could resort to like the one you ended with..

    I'll make one up.. "What do you get when you cross a JW with a Catholic?"

    One cross Catholic!

    Carmel melting in the heat wondering if Waiting and Scally are twins

  • waiting

    Hey Sweetpea,

    Shouldn't have moved to the desert if ya can't take the heat....

    Poor ol' JW's just haven't been around long enough for the polished humorist to take pot shots at - have to suffer through with Farkel and Focus and some fool called mntzion.

    Every been to a St. Patrick's Day Parade with a lot of drunk Irish Catholics? Those people have a whale of a party taking their beer and whiskey seriously. Grew up watering down our parents whiskey - guess they were too drunk to notice (or it was a lousy grade to begin with.)

    Never go into a closed office with a person who has pamplets on his desk.

    There's a Christian born again every minute.

    Good to hear from you, sweaty.


  • Carmel

    Gol dorn! My hair is going curly!


  • waiting

    Carmel, you fool,

    Your bald head shines brilliantly in that desert sun. Between your head's reflection and the dazzle of your gold chains and teeth, it's no wonder you live in the desert.

    Btw, do you wear one of those scarfs around your head like those leaders do? Cute.......


  • Carmel

    Actually I've been looking at maybe one of those orange turbins the Shiks wear. I could get a job driving a taxi, huh? Actually, I've decided not to share my concession stand business at Megeddo nor the taxi service from the airport. Hoping to sell out to a JW who is looking for a Armegeddon investment...

    there's and investor born every minute


  • AhHah

    So ... now that we have 14 answers summarized ... does anyone besides me find this interesting?

    Was anyone surprised by any of the totaled answers? If so, which one(s)and why?

    Does anyone think that if the replies could be anonymous that we would have had more response?

    Would anyone like to submit ideas for one or more poll questions, especially if it could be done anonymously?

    It was a bit of work to tabulate the answers to this survey. If it were easier I think there would be more interest.

    Perhaps one weekly poll question would be fun.

  • Pathofthorns

    I was interested in the result that no one besides ME believed in some sort of "last days".

    While I agree with Frenchy that the term is rather vague and abstract and meaningless in itself, it seems to be tied to some sort of "end" for mankind. And as such, wouldn't the later period of mankind's existence in relation to that "end" be well-termed "last days"?

    Of course, not knowing how long those last days would be, does sort of make it meaningless. Perhaps it could be days, weeks, decades or centuries.

    But I wonder then, if people no longer believe in some sort of "end". Do they see mankind existing and progressing indefinitely? Or is it simply that our own death is the end?

    Kind of reminds me something David Suzuki said once, that mankind is like a bunch of people in a car heading for a tree, and everyone is arguing still over where they are going to sit.


  • Carmel

    Okay, how do I access the Survey Poll? Remember, I'm the nerd who doesn't know how to do the sticky posters!

    carmel, knowing he opened himself up for crapola from the old hag

  • AhHah


    The survey is on the General/Bible Research forum and is titled "Do you believe ...".

    just a little tip: if you select "Show All Active Topics" form the scroll bar at the bottom of your screen under the heading "Jump to:" then your screen will load all active threads from ALL FORUMS from the MOST RECENT POST to the OLDEST POST. This makes it much easier to see what topics are currently being posted.

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